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Animal sample from Engystomops pustulosus (Tungara frog) for VGP reference genome, aEngPut4

BioSample: SAMN42463661; Sample name: Animal sample from Engystomops pustulosus (Tungara frog) for VGP reference genome, aEngPut4; SRA: SRS22286734
Engystomops pustulosus (Tungara frog)
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Metazoa; Eumetazoa; Bilateria; Deuterostomia; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Teleostomi; Euteleostomi; Sarcopterygii; Dipnotetrapodomorpha; Tetrapoda; Amphibia; Batrachia; Anura; Neobatrachia; Hyloidea; Leptodactylidae; Leiuperinae; Engystomops
Model organism or animal; version 1.0
development stageadult
collection date2022-04-05
geographic locationUSA: Stockton, California
tissueliver, muscle, brain, gonads, blood, misc
biomaterial providerUniversity of the Pacific: Marcos Gridi-Papp
birth date2020-11-25
collected byMarcos Gridi-Papp
latitude and longitude37.9795 N 121.313 W
storage conditions-80oC
treatmentflash frozen, 100% EtOH
Source IDMGP-1488.2

The Tungara frog (Engystomops pustulosus) is a species in the Leptodactylidae family. It is a small nocturnal terrestrial frog found in Mexico, Central America, and the northeastern regions of South America. The tungara frog exhibits interesting behavior in male/female interactions. Male vocalizations are critical in female mate choice, and females often prefer males who give complex mating calls at a lower frequency rather than simple calls at a higher frequency (from Wikipedia entry). This sample of a female individual (aEngPut4/MGP-1488.2) is part of a trio assembly (mother aEngPut2/MGP-1444.1, father aEngPut3/MGP-1452.1), with Hi-C sequence data from the sister offspring aEngPut1/MGP-1488.1 used for scaffolding. The individuals were bred in captivity and procured by Marcos Gridi-Papp to generate a high-quality reference genome for the Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP). Sequencing and genome assembly were conducted at the Vertebrate Genome Lab (VGL) at the Rockefeller University, led by Erich D. Jarvis, Giulio Formenti, and Jennifer Balacco.

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PRJNA1135147 Engystomops pustulosus isolate:aEngPut4
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PRJNA1135146 Engystomops pustulosus
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G10K, Erich Jarvis; 2024-07-12

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