| | | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC126862711, LOC126862712 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC130062667, LOC130062668 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC130062278, LOC130062279 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC126862732, LOC126862733 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | ANKRD12, ANKRD29 +1642 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | SERPINB12, SERPINB13 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC125368553, LOC125368554 +1643 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC130062355, LOC130062356 +1642 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC126862717, LOC126862718 +1266 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC132090510, LOC132090511 +1089 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC132211113, LOC132211114 +1266 more | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | LOC110121416, OSBPL1A +439 more | Deletion | Deletion of long arm of chromosome 18 | |
| | | Copy number loss | See cases | |
| | | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | | Copy number gain | See cases | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | Hyperthyroxinemia, dystransthyretinemic +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | not provided +1 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | Carpal tunnel syndrome 1 +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant) | Carpal tunnel syndrome 1 +4 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant) | Carpal tunnel syndrome 1 +4 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Duplication (inframe_insertion) | not provided +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype +2 more | |
| | | Deletion (inframe_deletion) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease +8 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | not provided +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Carpal tunnel syndrome 1 +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype +2 more | |
| | | Deletion (frameshift variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +5 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | not provided +3 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Deletion (splice donor variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (splice donor variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (splice donor variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | TTR-related disorder +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided | |
| | | Deletion (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +3 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Cardiomyopathy +5 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (splice acceptor variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not specified +6 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | not specified +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Hyperthyroxinemia, dystransthyretinemic +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +2 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Duplication (inframe_insertion) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Cardiovascular phenotype +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1 | |