Links from MedGen
Items: 12
| Variation | | Type (Consequence) | Condition | Classification, Review status |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (splice donor variant) | Clubfoot +8 more | GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Clinodactyly +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Polycystic kidney disease, adult type +4 more | |
| | COL5A1, LOC101448202 (E1772K) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +7 more | |
| | | Copy number gain | Severe global developmental delay +7 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Disproportionate short-limb short stature +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (splice donor variant) | Narrow chest +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense) | Narrow chest +18 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not specified +5 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Deletion (splice donor variant) | Anencephaly +17 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +1 more) | Muenke syndrome +35 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Fetal growth restriction +7 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
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