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    Number of Variants: 20

    Variant Region IDTypeNumber of Variant CallsStudy IDOrganismClinical AssertionLocationGenes in region
    nsv7056421inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,520,851-33,521,088 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,562,343-33,562,580 CLASP2
    nsv7055454inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,520,872-33,744,452 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,562,364-33,785,944 CLASP2, COX6CP10
    nsv7049941inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,520,873-33,522,945 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,562,365-33,564,437 CLASP2
    nsv7049830inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,494,421-33,503,421 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,535,913-33,544,913 CLASP2
    nsv7047554inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,497,221-33,501,556 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,538,713-33,543,048 CLASP2
    nsv7040469inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,595,683-33,604,439 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,637,175-33,645,931 CLASP2
    nsv6717343copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,557,830-33,559,131 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,599,322-33,600,623 CLASP2
    nsv6717302copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,665,531-33,671,254 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,707,023-33,712,746 CLASP2
    nsv6716810copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,710,301-33,756,300 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,751,793-33,797,792 CLASP2
    nsv6715775copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,700,001-33,701,700 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,741,493-33,743,192 CLASP2
    nsv6715632copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,350,301-33,496,000 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,391,793-33,537,492 RNU7-110P, RNA5SP128, 3 more genes
    nsv6715143copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,681,093-33,681,394 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,722,585-33,722,886 CLASP2
    nsv6714604copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,207,941-33,636,048 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,249,433-33,677,540 SUSD5, RNU7-110P, 5 more genes
    nsv6714156copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,542,189-33,542,803 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,583,681-33,584,295 CLASP2
    nsv6713007copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,521,153-33,531,235 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,562,645-33,572,727 CLASP2
    nsv6709317copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,542,973-33,543,524 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,584,465-33,585,016 CLASP2
    nsv6708652copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,452,009-33,520,958 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,493,501-33,562,450 CLASP2, RNA5SP128
    nsv6707791copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,492,628-33,496,885 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,534,120-33,538,377 CLASP2
    nsv6707558copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,577,791-33,580,924 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,619,283-33,622,416 CLASP2
    nsv6705707copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr3: 33,590,020-33,590,512 , GRCh37.p13 chr3: 33,631,512-33,632,004 CLASP2
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