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    Number of Variants: 20

    Variant Region IDTypeNumber of Variant CallsStudy IDOrganismClinical AssertionLocationGenes in region
    nsv7139492insertion1nstd232human GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,958,361-52,958,361 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 53,093,563-53,093,563 FBXO9
    nsv7053224inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr6: 52,383,867-53,956,565 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,248,665-53,821,363 RPA3P2, RN7SKP256, 43 more genes
    nsv7039225inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr6: 52,383,865-53,974,829 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,248,663-53,839,627 MIR5685, GSTA8P, 43 more genes
    nsv6792126copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr6: 53,078,901-53,080,900 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,943,699-52,945,698 FBXO9
    nsv6634799copy number variation1nstd227human GRCh38.p12 chr6: 52,799,015-53,098,273 , GRCh37 chr6: 52,663,813-52,963,071 GSTA1, GSTA3, 11 more genes
    nsv6563073inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr6: 52,107,269-56,893,586 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 51,972,067-56,758,384 GSTA1, LOC730101, 79 more genes
    nsv6397936copy number variation1nstd223human GRCh38 chr6: 53,079,501-53,080,500 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,944,299-52,945,298 FBXO9
    nsv6396651copy number variation1nstd223human GRCh38 chr6: 53,059,001-53,069,400 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,923,799-52,934,198 FBXO9, CILK1
    nsv6314749copy number variation1nstd102humanLikely pathogenic GRCh37 chr6: 43,636,308-64,947,206 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 43,668,571-64,237,313 ACTG1P9, CRISP1, 245 more genes
    nsv6064471insertion1nstd212human GRCh38 chr6: 53,083,421-53,083,421 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,948,219-52,948,219 FBXO9
    nsv5558551sequence alteration1nstd206human GRCh38 chr6: 40,895,286-71,029,944 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 40,863,025-71,739,647 , ACTG1P9, 405 more genes
    nsv5119188mobile element insertion1nstd203human GRCh38 chr6: 53,099,076-53,099,090 , GRCh37.p13 chr6: 52,963,874-52,963,888 FBXO9
    nsv4816419copy number variation1nstd200human GRCh37 chr6: 52,921,949-52,922,270 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 53,057,151-53,057,472 FBXO9, CILK1
    nsv4757608inversion1nstd199human GRCh37 chr6: 26,743,921-58,149,359 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 26,823,536-61,119,912 , ABCF1, 1075 more genes
    nsv4756329inversion1nstd199human GRCh37 chr6: 26,745,246-58,149,317 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 26,823,536-61,119,912 , ABCF1, 1075 more genes
    nsv4743473copy number variation1nstd199human GRCh37 chr6: 52,928,598-52,928,747 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 53,063,800-53,063,949 FBXO9
    nsv4735754copy number variation1nstd199human GRCh37 chr6: 26,776,020-58,144,810 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 26,823,536-61,119,912 , RNU6-250P, 1075 more genes
    nsv4729393copy number variation1nstd102humanUncertain significance GRCh37 chr6: 52,657,712-53,622,715 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 52,792,914-53,757,917 KILH, GSTA6P, 29 more genes
    nsv4729270copy number variation1nstd102humanLikely pathogenic GRCh37 chr6: 48,626,041-55,575,545 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 48,658,305-55,710,747 CRISP1, SLC25A20P1, 105 more genes
    nsv4675080copy number variation1nstd102humanUncertain significance GRCh37 chr6: 52,810,337-53,016,306 , GRCh38.p12 chr6: 52,945,539-53,151,508 GSTA4, CILK1, 5 more genes
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