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    Number of Variants: 20

    Variant Region IDTypeNumber of Variant CallsStudy IDOrganismClinical AssertionLocationGenes in region
    nsv7148155copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr17: 72,718,277-74,142,256 , GRCh38.p12 chr17: 74,722,138-76,146,175 TRIM65, TEN1, 74 more genes
    nsv7073965inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,577,011-75,829,469 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,573,092-73,825,550 UNK, SMIM5, 10 more genes
    nsv7062058inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,576,996-75,829,470 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,573,077-73,825,551 UNC13D, SMIM5, 10 more genes
    nsv6994443copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,515,499-75,718,036 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,511,580-73,714,116 CASKIN2, SAP30BP, 7 more genes
    nsv6989687copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,677,505-75,685,029 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,673,585-73,681,109 SAP30BP
    nsv6987044copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,696,368-75,700,290 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,692,448-73,696,370 SAP30BP
    nsv6984264copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 74,239,313-78,611,254 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 72,235,452-76,607,336 SNORD1C, PRCD, 178 more genes
    nsv6984174copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,642,538-75,665,465 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,638,618-73,661,545 SAP30BP, SMIM6, 2 more genes
    nsv6982563copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,673,498-75,689,697 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,669,578-73,685,777 SAP30BP
    nsv6978321copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr17: 75,673,501-75,682,600 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,669,581-73,678,680 SAP30BP
    nsv6595122inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,675,350-75,675,777 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,671,430-73,671,857 SAP30BP
    nsv6589966inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,576,986-75,829,587 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,573,067-73,825,668 RECQL5, MIR4738, 10 more genes
    nsv6580372inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 72,236,607-79,483,477 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 70,232,748-77,412,076 TNRC6C, PTMAP13, 217 more genes
    nsv6576443inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,682,438-75,682,916 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,678,518-73,678,996 SAP30BP
    nsv6535321copy number variation1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,677,505-75,685,026 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,673,585-73,681,106 SAP30BP
    nsv6534322copy number variation1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,659,160-75,682,224 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,655,240-73,678,304 RECQL5, LOC107985013, 1 more genes
    nsv6518348copy number variation1nstd223human GRCh38 chr17: 75,673,498-75,689,697 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,669,578-73,685,777 SAP30BP
    nsv6315182copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr17: 73,481,509-81,043,199 , GRCh38.p12 chr17: 75,485,428-83,085,323 DUS1L, PVALEF, 252 more genes
    nsv6133070copy number variation1nstd213human GRCh37 chr17: 62,460,000-73,800,001 , GRCh38.p12 chr17: 64,464,645-75,803,920 APOH, CACNG1, 225 more genes
    nsv6039921copy number variation1nstd212human GRCh38 chr17: 75,698,515-75,698,645 , GRCh37.p13 chr17: 73,694,595-73,694,725 SAP30BP
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