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    Number of Variants: 20

    Variant Region IDTypeNumber of Variant CallsStudy IDOrganismClinical AssertionLocationGenes in region
    nsv7148242copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh38 chr15: 20,966,971-25,963,714 , GRCh37.p13 chr15: 21,172,300-26,208,861 LOC101269108, LOC107983983, 227 more genes
    nsv7065496inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr15: 20,672,644-28,900,286 , GRCh37.p13 chr15: 20,877,973-29,145,432 SNURF, LOC101060118, 290 more genes
    nsv6635386copy number variation1nstd227human GRCh37 chr15: 20,612,840-22,576,118 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,407,587-22,288,167 NBEAP1, OR4H6P, 82 more genes
    nsv6635331copy number variation1nstd227human GRCh37 chr15: 20,071,673-22,468,503 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 19,866,420-22,180,552 NBEAP1, OR4H6P, 89 more genes
    nsv6634845copy number variation5nstd227human GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,407,587-22,180,552 , GRCh37 chr15: 20,612,840-22,468,503 NBEAP1, OR4H6P, 77 more genes
    nsv6634429copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr15: 20,739,497-28,566,579 , GRCh38.p12 chr15|NW_011332701.1: 1-4,542,614 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,534,259-28,321,433 OR11J7P, SNORD115-21, 364 more genes
    nsv6622947copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,796,463-22,383,249 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,591,139-22,095,298 OR11J2P, OR11H3P, 66 more genes
    nsv6622946copy number variation3nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,603,222-22,463,534 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,397,969-22,175,583 IGHD5OR15-5B, OR4Q1P, 76 more genes
    nsv6622945copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,603,222-22,421,334 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,397,969-22,133,383 OR11K1P, LOC283804, 73 more genes
    nsv6622944copy number variation10nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,585,204-22,574,927 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,379,951-22,286,976 OR11J2P, OR11H3P, 82 more genes
    nsv6622943copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,585,204-22,541,070 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,379,951-22,253,119 OR4H6P, OR4N4, 81 more genes
    nsv6622942copy number variation2nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,585,204-22,463,534 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,379,951-22,175,583 IGHD5OR15-5B, OR11J2P, 76 more genes
    nsv6622820copy number variation2nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,796,463-22,463,534 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,591,139-22,175,583 NBEAP1, IGHV1OR15-6, 70 more genes
    nsv6622818copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,585,204-22,363,528 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,379,951-22,075,577 NBEAP1, IGHV1OR15-6, 70 more genes
    nsv6622778copy number variation3nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,848,717-22,503,228 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,643,415-22,215,277 OR4H6P, OR11J1P, 71 more genes
    nsv6622777copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,796,463-22,443,837 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,591,139-22,155,886 NBEAP1, IGHV1OR15-6, 69 more genes
    nsv6622776copy number variation3nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,603,222-22,574,927 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,397,969-22,286,976 NBEAP1, IGHV1OR15-6, 82 more genes
    nsv6622603copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,848,717-22,416,081 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,643,415-22,128,130 OR4H6P, LOC283804, 64 more genes
    nsv6622602copy number variation2nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,796,463-22,574,927 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,591,139-22,286,976 OR11K1P, LOC283804, 76 more genes
    nsv6622601copy number variation1nstd224human GRCh37 chr15: 20,603,222-22,468,867 , GRCh38.p12 chr15: 20,397,969-22,180,916 OR11K1P, LOC283804, 77 more genes
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