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    Number of Variants: 20

    Variant Region IDTypeNumber of Variant CallsStudy IDOrganismClinical AssertionLocationGenes in region
    nsv7098190copy number variation1nstd102humanUncertain significance GRCh37 chr8: 98,358,247-106,815,766 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 97,346,019-105,803,538 RNU6-914P, RPL30, 159 more genes
    nsv7077334inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 102,796,562-104,427,483 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 103,808,790-105,439,711 DCSTAMP, LOC107984007, 33 more genes
    nsv7075711inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 102,102,164-111,409,427 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 103,114,392-112,421,656 LINC01181, LOC105375690, 118 more genes
    nsv7073376inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 99,051,852-103,793,725 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 100,064,080-104,805,953 RNU4-83P, RN7SL563P, 102 more genes
    nsv7072980inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 102,790,775-104,428,155 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 103,803,003-105,440,383 DCSTAMP, ATP6V1C1, 33 more genes
    nsv7069445inversion1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 102,763,105-103,071,842 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 103,775,333-104,084,070 ATP6V1C1, AZIN1, 4 more genes
    nsv6857134copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,044,421-103,045,949 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,056,649-104,058,177 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6855643copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,026,117-103,027,309 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,038,345-104,039,537 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6851448copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,071,801-103,331,000 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,084,029-104,343,228 MTND1P5, BAALC-AS1, 11 more genes
    nsv6848639copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,071,120-103,071,476 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,083,348-104,083,704 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6847509copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,064,701-103,102,042 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,076,929-104,114,270 MTND1P5, ATP6V1C1, 3 more genes
    nsv6843783copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,006,801-103,048,100 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,019,029-104,060,328 ATP6V1C1, NPM1P52
    nsv6843613copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,052,972-103,056,538 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,065,200-104,068,766 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6838347copy number variation1nstd229human GRCh38 chr8: 103,034,720-103,036,911 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,046,948-104,049,139 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6636450copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr8: 79,409,349-119,040,631 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 78,497,114-118,028,392 MIR2053, RPS2P33, 507 more genes
    nsv6634360copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr8: 68,912,432-146,295,771 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 68,000,197-145,070,385 WASHC5, LOC100132280, 1028 more genes
    nsv6570758inversion1nstd223human GRCh38 chr8: 103,067,394-103,067,623 , GRCh37.p13 chr8: 104,079,622-104,079,851 ATP6V1C1
    nsv6315406copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr8: 84,712,253-146,295,771 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 83,800,018-145,070,385 RHPN1, RPL18P7, 833 more genes
    nsv6314744copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr8: 96,496,503-146,295,711 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 95,484,275-145,070,325 OSR2, LOC392268, 676 more genes
    nsv6313759copy number variation1nstd102humanPathogenic GRCh37 chr8: 70,382,990-146,295,771 , GRCh38.p12 chr8: 69,470,755-145,070,385 LOC101927066, NCAPGP1, 1014 more genes
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