Cystinuria- MedGen UID:
- 8226
- •Concept ID:
- C0010691
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Cystinuria is an autosomal disorder characterized by impaired epithelial cell transport of cystine and dibasic amino acids (lysine, ornithine, and arginine) in the proximal renal tubule and gastrointestinal tract. The impaired renal reabsorption of cystine and its low solubility causes the formation of calculi in the urinary tract, resulting in obstructive uropathy, pyelonephritis, and, rarely, renal failure (summary by Barbosa et al., 2012).
Williams syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 59799
- •Concept ID:
- C0175702
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Williams syndrome (WS) is characterized by cardiovascular disease (elastin arteriopathy, peripheral pulmonary stenosis, supravalvar aortic stenosis, hypertension), distinctive facies, connective tissue abnormalities, intellectual disability (usually mild), a specific cognitive profile, unique personality characteristics, growth abnormalities, and endocrine abnormalities (hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypothyroidism, and early puberty). Feeding difficulties often lead to poor weight gain in infancy. Hypotonia and hyperextensible joints can result in delayed attainment of motor milestones.
X-linked agammaglobulinemia- MedGen UID:
- 65123
- •Concept ID:
- C0221026
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections in affected males in the first two years of life. Recurrent otitis is the most common infection prior to diagnosis. Conjunctivitis, sinopulmonary infections, diarrhea, and skin infections are also frequently seen. Approximately 60% of individuals with XLA are recognized as having immunodeficiency when they develop a severe, life-threatening infection such as pneumonia, empyema, meningitis, sepsis, cellulitis, or septic arthritis. S pneumoniae and H influenzae are the most common organisms found prior to diagnosis and may continue to cause sinusitis and otitis after diagnosis and the initiation of gammaglobulin substitution therapy. Severe, difficult-to-treat enteroviral infections (often manifest as dermatomyositis or chronic meningoencephalitis) can be prevented by this treatment. The prognosis for individuals with XLA has improved markedly in the last 25 years as a result of earlier diagnosis, the development of preparations of gammaglobulin that allow normal concentrations of serum IgG to be achieved, and more liberal use of antibiotics.
Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 75653
- •Concept ID:
- C0268125
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive immunodeficiency disorder characterized mainly by decreased T-cell function. Some patients also have neurologic impairment (review by Aust et al., 1992).
Primary hypomagnesemia- MedGen UID:
- 120640
- •Concept ID:
- C0268448
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis is a progressive renal disorder characterized by excessive urinary Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) excretion. There is progressive loss of kidney function, and in about 50% of cases, the need for renal replacement therapy arises as early as the second decade of life (summary by Muller et al., 2006). Amelogenesis imperfecta may also be present in some patients (Bardet et al., 2016).
A similar disorder with renal magnesium wasting, renal failure, and nephrocalcinosis (HOMG5; 248190) is caused by mutations in another tight-junction gene, CLDN19 (610036), and is distinguished by the association of severe ocular involvement.
For a discussion of phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of familial hypomagnesemia, see HOMG1 (602014).
Microcephaly, normal intelligence and immunodeficiency- MedGen UID:
- 140771
- •Concept ID:
- C0398791
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is characterized by progressive microcephaly, early growth deficiency that improves with age, recurrent respiratory infections, an increased risk for malignancy (primarily lymphoma), and premature ovarian failure in females. Developmental milestones are attained at the usual time during the first year; however, borderline delays in development and hyperactivity may be observed in early childhood. Intellectual abilities tend to decline over time. Recurrent pneumonia and bronchitis may result in respiratory failure and early death. Other reported malignancies include solid tumors (e.g., medulloblastoma, glioma, rhabdomyosarcoma).
Ochoa syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 98015
- •Concept ID:
- C0403555
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Urofacial syndrome (UFS) is characterized by prenatal or infantile onset of urinary bladder voiding dysfunction, abnormal facial movement with expression (resulting from abnormal co-contraction of the corners of the mouth and eyes), and often bowel dysfunction (constipation and/or encopresis). Bladder voiding dysfunction increases the risk for urinary incontinence, megacystis, vesicoureteric reflux, hydroureteronephrosis, urosepsis, and progressive renal impairment. In rare instances, an individual who has (a) a molecularly confirmed diagnosis and/or (b) an affected relative meeting clinical diagnostic criteria manifests only the characteristic facial features or only the urinary bladder voiding dysfunction (not both). Nocturnal lagophthalmos (incomplete closing of the eyes during sleep) appears to be a common and significant finding.
X-linked agammaglobulinemia with growth hormone deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 141630
- •Concept ID:
- C0472813
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
IGHD3 is characterized by agammaglobulinemia and markedly reduced numbers of B cells, short stature, delayed bone age, and good response to treatment with growth hormone (summary by Conley et al., 1991).
For general phenotypic information and a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of IGHD, see 262400.
Kleefstra syndrome 1- MedGen UID:
- 208639
- •Concept ID:
- C0795833
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Kleefstra syndrome is characterized by intellectual disability, autistic-like features, childhood hypotonia, and distinctive facial features. The majority of individuals function in the moderate-to-severe spectrum of intellectual disability although a few individuals have mild delay and total IQ within low-normal range. While most have severe expressive speech delay with little speech development, general language development is usually at a higher level, making nonverbal communication possible. A complex pattern of other findings can also be observed; these include heart defects, renal/urologic defects, genital defects in males, severe respiratory infections, epilepsy / febrile seizures, psychiatric disorders, and extreme apathy or catatonic-like features after puberty.
Cholestasis-pigmentary retinopathy-cleft palate syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 208652
- •Concept ID:
- C0795969
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
MED12-related disorders include the phenotypes of FG syndrome type 1 (FGS1), Lujan syndrome (LS), X-linked Ohdo syndrome (XLOS), Hardikar syndrome (HS), and nonspecific intellectual disability (NSID). FGS1 and LS share the clinical findings of cognitive impairment, hypotonia, and abnormalities of the corpus callosum. FGS1 is further characterized by absolute or relative macrocephaly, tall forehead, downslanted palpebral fissures, small and simple ears, constipation and/or anal anomalies, broad thumbs and halluces, and characteristic behavior. LS is further characterized by large head, tall thin body habitus, long thin face, prominent nasal bridge, high narrow palate, and short philtrum. Carrier females in families with FGS1 and LS are typically unaffected. XLOS is characterized by intellectual disability, blepharophimosis, and facial coarsening. HS has been described in females with cleft lip and/or cleft palate, biliary and liver anomalies, intestinal malrotation, pigmentary retinopathy, and coarctation of the aorta. Developmental and cognitive concerns have not been reported in females with HS. Pathogenic variants in MED12 have been reported in an increasing number of males and females with NSID, with affected individuals often having clinical features identified in other MED12-related disorders.
Currarino triad- MedGen UID:
- 323460
- •Concept ID:
- C1531773
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
The Currarino syndrome is an autosomal dominant form of hereditary sacral dysgenesis that classically consists of the triad of sacral malformation, presacral mass, and anorectal malformations. However, other features include neonatal-onset bowel obstruction, chronic constipation, recurrent perianal sepsis, renal/urinary tract anomalies, female internal genital anomalies, tethered spinal cord, and anterior meningocele. There is marked inter- and intrafamilial variability, and up to 33% of patients are asymptomatic (summary by Wang et al., 2006).
Bethlem myopathy- MedGen UID:
- 331805
- •Concept ID:
- C1834674
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Bethlem myopathy-1 (BTHLM1) is a congenital muscular dystrophy characterized by distal joint laxity and a combination of distal and proximal joint contractures. The age at onset is highly variable, ranging from infancy to adulthood. Disease progression is slow and ambulation is usually retained into adulthood (summary by Butterfield et al., 2013).
Genetic Heterogeneity of Bethlem Myopathy
See Bethlem myopathy-1B (BTHLM1B; 620725), caused by mutation in the COL6A2 gene (120240) on chromosome 21q22; Bethlem myopathy-1C (620726), caused by mutation the COL6A3 gene (120250) on chromosome 2q37; and Bethlem myopathy-2 (BTHLM2; 616471), caused by mutation in the COL12A1 gene (120320) on chromosome 6q13-q14.
Posterior column ataxia-retinitis pigmentosa syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 324636
- •Concept ID:
- C1836916
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Posterior column ataxia with retinitis pigmentosa (AXPC1) is an autosomal recessive neurologic disorder characterized by childhood-onset retinitis pigmentosa and later onset of gait ataxia due to sensory loss (summary by Ishiura et al., 2011).
Emanuel syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 323030
- •Concept ID:
- C1836929
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Emanuel syndrome is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, microcephaly, hypotonia, severe developmental delays, ear anomalies, preauricular tags or pits, cleft or high-arched palate, congenital heart defects, kidney abnormalities, and genital abnormalities in males.
Keratoconus posticus circumscriptus- MedGen UID:
- 340922
- •Concept ID:
- C1855645
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Granulomatous disease, chronic, autosomal recessive, cytochrome b-positive, type 2- MedGen UID:
- 383869
- •Concept ID:
- C1856245
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a primary immunodeficiency disorder of phagocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and eosinophils) resulting from impaired killing of bacteria and fungi. CGD is characterized by severe recurrent bacterial and fungal infections and dysregulated inflammatory responses resulting in granuloma formation and other inflammatory disorders such as colitis. Infections typically involve the lung (pneumonia), lymph nodes (lymphadenitis), liver (abscess), bone (osteomyelitis), and skin (abscesses or cellulitis). Granulomas typically involve the genitourinary system (bladder) and gastrointestinal tract (often the pylorus initially, and later the esophagus, jejunum, ileum, cecum, rectum, and perirectal area). Some males with X-linked CGD have McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome as the result of a contiguous gene deletion. While CGD may present anytime from infancy to late adulthood, the vast majority of affected individuals are diagnosed before age five years. Use of antimicrobial prophylaxis and therapy has greatly improved overall survival.
Bare lymphocyte syndrome type 2, complementation group A- MedGen UID:
- 395288
- •Concept ID:
- C1859534
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Bare lymphocyte syndrome type II (BLS II) is an inherited disorder of the immune system categorized as a form of combined immunodeficiency (CID). People with BLS II lack virtually all immune protection from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are prone to repeated and persistent infections that can be very serious or life-threatening. These infections are often caused by "opportunistic" organisms that ordinarily do not cause illness in people with a normal immune system.\n\nBLS II is typically diagnosed in the first year of life. Most affected infants have persistent infections in the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts. Because of the infections, affected infants have difficulty absorbing nutrients (malabsorption), and they grow more slowly than their peers. Eventually, the persistent infections lead to organ failure. Without treatment, individuals with BLS II usually do not survive past early childhood.\n\nIn people with BLS II, infection-fighting white blood cells (lymphocytes) are missing specialized proteins on their surface called major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II proteins, which is where the condition got its name. Because BLS II is the most common and best studied form of a group of related conditions, it is often referred to as simply bare lymphocyte syndrome (BLS).
Koolen-de Vries syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 355853
- •Concept ID:
- C1864871
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Koolen-de Vries syndrome (KdVS) is characterized by developmental delay / intellectual disability, neonatal/childhood hypotonia, dysmorphisms, congenital malformations, and behavioral features. Psychomotor developmental delay is noted in all individuals from an early age. The majority of individuals with KdVS function in the mild-to-moderate range of intellectual disability. Other findings include speech and language delay (100%), epilepsy (~33%), congenital heart defects (25%-50%), renal and urologic anomalies (25%-50%), and cryptorchidism (71% of males). Behavior in most is described as friendly, amiable, and cooperative.
Stevenson-Carey syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 383183
- •Concept ID:
- C2677763
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Combined immunodeficiency due to STIM1 deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 440575
- •Concept ID:
- C2748557
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Immunodeficiency-10 (IMD10) is an autosomal recessive primary immunodeficiency characterized by onset of recurrent infections in childhood due to defective T- and NK-cell function, although the severity is variable. Affected individuals may also have hypotonia, hypohidrosis, or dental enamel hypoplasia consistent with amelogenesis imperfecta (summary by Parry et al., 2016).
Polycystic kidney disease 2- MedGen UID:
- 442699
- •Concept ID:
- C2751306
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is generally a late-onset multisystem disorder characterized by bilateral kidney cysts, liver cysts, and an increased risk of intracranial aneurysms. Other manifestations include: cysts in the pancreas, seminal vesicles, and arachnoid membrane; dilatation of the aortic root and dissection of the thoracic aorta; mitral valve prolapse; and abdominal wall hernias. Kidney manifestations include early-onset hypertension, kidney pain, and kidney insufficiency. Approximately 50% of individuals with ADPKD have end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) by age 60 years. The prevalence of liver cysts increases with age and occasionally results in clinically significant severe polycystic liver disease (PLD), most often in females. Overall, the prevalence of intracranial aneurysms is fivefold higher than in the general population and further increased in those with a positive family history of aneurysms or subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is substantial variability in the severity of kidney disease and other extra-kidney manifestations.
Autosomal recessive severe congenital neutropenia due to G6PC3 deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 414066
- •Concept ID:
- C2751630
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
G6PC3 deficiency is characterized by severe congenital neutropenia which occurs in a phenotypic continuum that includes the following: Isolated severe congenital neutropenia (nonsyndromic). Classic G6PC3 deficiency (severe congenital neutropenia plus cardiovascular and/or urogenital abnormalities). Severe G6PC3 deficiency (classic G6PC3 deficiency plus involvement of non-myeloid hematopoietic cell lines, additional extra-hematologic features, and pulmonary hypertension; known as Dursun syndrome). Neutropenia usually presents with recurrent bacterial infections in the first few months of life. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), failure to thrive (FTT), and poor postnatal growth are common. Other findings in classic and severe G6PC3 deficiency can include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) resembling Crohn's disease, and endocrine disorders (growth hormone deficiency, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and delayed puberty).
Vesicoureteral reflux 3- MedGen UID:
- 462277
- •Concept ID:
- C3150927
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Any vesicoureteral reflux in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the SOX17 gene.
THOC6-related developmental delay-microcephaly-facial dysmorphism syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 462289
- •Concept ID:
- C3150939
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
THOC6 intellectual disability syndrome is associated with moderate-to-severe developmental delay or intellectual disability; nonspecific dysmorphic facial features (tall forehead, deep-set eyes, short and upslanted palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, and long nose with low-hanging columella); microcephaly (typically 2-3 SD below the mean); teeth anomalies (dental caries, malocclusion, and supernumerary teeth); cardiac anomalies (most typically atrial and/or ventricular septal defects); prenatal ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus; cryptorchidism in males; and renal malformations (most commonly unilateral renal agenesis). More rarely, affected individuals may have hypergonadotropic hypogonadism (in females), seizures, poor growth, feeding difficulties, hearing loss, refractive errors and/or other eye abnormalities, vertebral anomalies, micro/retrognathia, and imperforate / anteriorly placed anus.
Chromosome 17q12 deletion syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 482768
- •Concept ID:
- C3281138
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
The 17q12 recurrent deletion syndrome is characterized by variable combinations of the three following findings: structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract, maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 5 (MODY5), and neurodevelopmental or neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, and bipolar disorder). Using a method of data analysis that avoids ascertainment bias, the authors determined that multicystic kidneys and other structural and functional kidney anomalies occur in 85% to 90% of affected individuals, MODY5 in approximately 40%, and some degree of developmental delay or learning disability in approximately 50%. MODY5 is most often diagnosed before age 25 years (range: age 10-50 years).
Factor I deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 483045
- •Concept ID:
- C3463916
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) is a complex ultra-rare complement-mediated renal disease caused by uncontrolled activation of the complement alternative pathway (AP) in the fluid phase (as opposed to cell surface) that is rarely inherited in a simple mendelian fashion. C3G affects individuals of all ages, with a median age at diagnosis of 23 years. Individuals with C3G typically present with hematuria, proteinuria, hematuria and proteinuria, acute nephritic syndrome or nephrotic syndrome, and low levels of the complement component C3. Spontaneous remission of C3G is uncommon, and about half of affected individuals develop end-stage renal disease (ESRD) within ten years of diagnosis, occasionally developing the late comorbidity of impaired visual acuity.
Immunodeficiency, common variable, 7- MedGen UID:
- 762276
- •Concept ID:
- C3542922
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Urofacial syndrome 2- MedGen UID:
- 767434
- •Concept ID:
- C3554520
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Urofacial syndrome (UFS) is characterized by prenatal or infantile onset of urinary bladder voiding dysfunction, abnormal facial movement with expression (resulting from abnormal co-contraction of the corners of the mouth and eyes), and often bowel dysfunction (constipation and/or encopresis). Bladder voiding dysfunction increases the risk for urinary incontinence, megacystis, vesicoureteric reflux, hydroureteronephrosis, urosepsis, and progressive renal impairment. In rare instances, an individual who has (a) a molecularly confirmed diagnosis and/or (b) an affected relative meeting clinical diagnostic criteria manifests only the characteristic facial features or only the urinary bladder voiding dysfunction (not both). Nocturnal lagophthalmos (incomplete closing of the eyes during sleep) appears to be a common and significant finding.
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, type III caused by mutation in PRKCD- MedGen UID:
- 816258
- •Concept ID:
- C3809928
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome type III is an autosomal recessive disorder of immune dysregulation. The phenotype is variable, but most patients have significant lymphadenopathy associated with variable autoimmune manifestations. Some patients may have recurrent infections. Lymphocyte accumulation results from a combination of impaired apoptosis and excessive proliferation (summary by Oliveira, 2013).
For a general description and a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of ALPS, see 601859.
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 6- MedGen UID:
- 854714
- •Concept ID:
- C3888007
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is characterized by oculocutaneous albinism, a bleeding diathesis, and, in some individuals, pulmonary fibrosis, granulomatous colitis, or immunodeficiency. Ocular findings include reduced iris pigment with iris transillumination, reduced retinal pigment, foveal hypoplasia with significant reduction in visual acuity (usually in the range of 20/50 to 20/400), nystagmus, and increased crossing of the optic nerve fibers. Hair color ranges from white to brown; skin color ranges from white to olive and is usually a shade lighter than that of other family members. The bleeding diathesis can result in variable bruising, epistaxis, gingival bleeding, postpartum hemorrhage, colonic bleeding, and prolonged bleeding with menses or after tooth extraction, circumcision, and other surgeries. Pulmonary fibrosis, a restrictive lung disease, typically causes symptoms in the early thirties and can progress to death within a decade. Granulomatous colitis is severe in about 15% of affected individuals. Neutropenia and/or immune defects occur primarily in individuals with pathogenic variants in AP3B1 and AP3D1.
ADNP-related multiple congenital anomalies - intellectual disability - autism spectrum disorder- MedGen UID:
- 862975
- •Concept ID:
- C4014538
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
ADNP-related disorder is characterized by hypotonia, severe speech and motor delay, mild-to-severe intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features (prominent forehead, high anterior hairline, wide and depressed nasal bridge, and short nose with full, upturned nasal tip) based on a cohort of 78 individuals. Features of autism spectrum disorder are common (stereotypic behavior, impaired social interaction). Other common findings include additional behavioral problems, sleep disturbance, brain abnormalities, seizures, feeding issues, gastrointestinal problems, visual dysfunction (hypermetropia, strabismus, cortical visual impairment), musculoskeletal anomalies, endocrine issues including short stature and hormonal deficiencies, cardiac and urinary tract anomalies, and hearing loss.
Vesicoureteral reflux 8- MedGen UID:
- 863268
- •Concept ID:
- C4014831
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Any vesicoureteral reflux in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the TNXB gene.
Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome type 2- MedGen UID:
- 865385
- •Concept ID:
- C4016948
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome-2 (IGS2) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by onset of megaloblastic anemia associated with decreased serum vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) in infancy or early childhood. Low molecular weight (LMW) proteinuria is frequently present, but usually occurs later and is usually mild or subclinical. Patients often present with vague symptoms, including failure to thrive, loss of appetite, fatigue, lethargy, and/or recurrent infections. Treatment with vitamin B12 results in sustained clinical improvement of the anemia. The proteinuria is nonprogressive, and affected individuals do not have deterioration of kidney function; correct diagnosis is important to prevent unnecessary treatment. The disorder results from a combination of vitamin B12 deficiency due to selective malabsorption of the vitamin, and impaired reabsorption of LMW proteins in the proximal renal tubule. These defects are caused by disruption of the AMN/CUBN (602997) complex that forms the 'cubam' receptor responsible for intestinal uptake of B12/GIF (CBLIF; 609342). In the kidney, AMN/CUBN interacts with the endocytic receptor megalin (LRP2; 600073), which is important for the reabsorption of plasma proteins (summary by Grasbeck, 2006, De Filippo et al., 2013, and Storm et al., 2013).
For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome, see 261100.
Even-plus syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 904613
- •Concept ID:
- C4225180
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
EVEN-plus syndrome (EVPLS) is characterized by prenatal-onset short stature, vertebral and epiphyseal changes, microtia, midface hypoplasia with flat nose and triangular nares, cardiac malformations, and other findings including anal atresia, hypodontia, and aplasia cutis. The features overlap those reported in patients with CODAS syndrome (600373; Royer-Bertrand et al., 2015).
Seckel syndrome 9- MedGen UID:
- 907155
- •Concept ID:
- C4225212
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Any Seckel syndrome in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the TRAIP gene.
Autosomal dominant intellectual disability-craniofacial anomalies-cardiac defects syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 903767
- •Concept ID:
- C4225396
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Arboleda-Tham syndrome (ARTHS) is an autosomal dominant disorder with the core features of impaired intellectual development, speech delay, microcephaly, cardiac anomalies, and gastrointestinal complications (summary by Kennedy et al., 2019).
MIRAGE syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 924576
- •Concept ID:
- C4284088
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
MIRAGE syndrome is an acronym for the major findings of myelodysplasia, infection, restriction of growth, adrenal hypoplasia, genital phenotypes, and enteropathy. Cytopenias are typically seen soon after birth; thrombocytopenia is the most common followed by anemia and pancytopenia. Recurrent infections from early infancy include pneumonia, urinary tract infection, gastroenteritis, meningitis, otitis media, dermatitis, subcutaneous abscess, and sepsis. Reported genital phenotypes in those with 46,XY karyotype included hypospadias, microphallus, bifid shawl scrotum, ambiguous genitalia, or complete female genitalia. Hypoplastic or dysgenetic ovaries have been reported in females. Gastrointestinal complications include chronic diarrhea and esophageal dysfunction. Moderate-to-severe developmental delay is reported in most affected individuals. Autonomic dysfunction and renal dysfunction are also reported.
Short stature-brachydactyly-obesity-global developmental delay syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 934656
- •Concept ID:
- C4310689
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A rare genetic, multiple congenital anomalies syndrome characterized by short stature, hand brachydactyly with hypoplastic distal phalanges, global development delay, intellectual disability, and more variably seizures, obesity, and craniofacial dysmorphism that includes microcephaly, high forehead, flat face, hypertelorism, deep set eyes, flat nasal bridge, averted nostrils, long philtrum, thin lip vermilion, and short neck.
Immunodeficiency 53- MedGen UID:
- 1612104
- •Concept ID:
- C4539811
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Renal hypomagnesemia 5 with ocular involvement- MedGen UID:
- 1648449
- •Concept ID:
- C4721891
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
HOMG5 is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe renal magnesium wasting, progressive renal failure, and nephrocalcinosis. Some patients also have severe visual impairment. Amelogenesis imperfecta has been reported in some patients (summary by Konrad et al., 2006 and Yamaguti et al., 2017).
For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of renal hypomagnesemia, see 602014.
Joubert syndrome 35- MedGen UID:
- 1648453
- •Concept ID:
- C4748442
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Joubert syndrome-35 (JBTS35) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by brain malformations that result in developmental delay, oculomotor apraxia, and hypotonia. Some patients have renal and retinal involvement (Alkanderi et al., 2018).
For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of Joubert syndrome, see JBTS1 (213300).
Immunodeficiency 63 with lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity- MedGen UID:
- 1682943
- •Concept ID:
- C5193126
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Immunodeficiency-63 with lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity (IMD63) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by immune dysregulation. Affected individuals present in infancy with features of both abnormal activation of certain immune signaling pathways, resulting in lymphoid proliferation, dermatitis, enteropathy, and hypergammaglobulinemia, as well as features of immunodeficiency, such as recurrent infections and increased susceptibility to viral infections, especially CMV. Laboratory studies show increased NK cells that show impaired differentiation, as well as abnormal T cell populations or responses. Some patients may die in childhood; hematopoietic bone marrow transplantation is curative (summary by Zhang et al., 2019).
Urinary bladder, atony of- MedGen UID:
- 1684829
- •Concept ID:
- C5231389
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Autonomic bladder dysfunction with impaired pupillary reflex and secondary CAKUT (congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract) is an autosomal recessive neurogenic disorder with onset in utero or early childhood. Affected individuals have impaired neuronal bladder and ureteral innervation causing coordination defects that result in secondary structural defects of the renal system, including hydronephrosis, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and small kidneys, that may result in chronic kidney disease as well as recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Surgical treatment of VUR is not effective. Most individuals also have additional autonomic features, most commonly impaired pupillary reflex and sometimes orthostatic hypotension (summary by Mann et al., 2019).
Neurodevelopmental disorder with absent language and variable seizures- MedGen UID:
- 1684803
- •Concept ID:
- C5231469
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Rajab interstitial lung disease with brain calcifications 1- MedGen UID:
- 1750003
- •Concept ID:
- C5436276
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Rajab interstitial lung disease with brain calcifications-1 (RILDBC1) is an autosomal recessive multisystem disorder with a highly variable phenotype. Most patients present in infancy or early childhood with poor growth and interstitial lung disease, which may lead to death. Some may also have liver, skeletal, and renal abnormalities, and most have intracranial calcifications on brain imaging. Some may have early impaired motor development, but most have normal cognitive development (summary by Xu et al., 2018).
Genetic Heterogeneity of Rajab Interstitial Lung Disease with Brain Calcifications
Also see Rajab interstitial disease with brain calcifications-2 (RILDBC2; 619013), caused by mutation in the FARSA gene (602918).
Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies, sleep disturbance, and brain abnormalities- MedGen UID:
- 1777442
- •Concept ID:
- C5436821
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies, sleep disturbance, and brain abnormalities (NEDFASB) is a syndromic disorder with multisystemic involvement. Affected individuals have severe global developmental delay with severely impaired intellectual development, poor or absent language, behavioral abnormalities, seizures, and sleep disturbances. Craniofacial dysmorphisms, while variable, include round face, prognathism, depressed nasal bridge, and cleft or high-arched palate. Brain imaging shows dysgenesis of the corpus callosum and progressive cerebellar atrophy. Additional features may include genitourinary tract anomalies, hearing loss, and mild distal skeletal defects (summary by Humbert et al., 2020).
Blepharophimosis-impaired intellectual development syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 1779966
- •Concept ID:
- C5443984
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Blepharophimosis-impaired intellectual development syndrome (BIS) is a congenital disorder characterized by a distinct facial appearance with blepharophimosis and global development delay. Affected individuals have delayed motor skills, sometimes with inability to walk, and impaired intellectual development with poor or absent speech; some patients show behavioral abnormalities. There are recognizable facial features, including epicanthal folds, sparse eyebrows, broad nasal bridge, short nose with downturned tip, and open mouth with thin upper lip. Other more variable features include distal skeletal anomalies, feeding difficulties with poor growth, respiratory infections, and hypotonia with peripheral spasticity (summary by Cappuccio et al., 2020).
ENDOVE syndrome, limb-brain type- MedGen UID:
- 1782954
- •Concept ID:
- C5543142
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- Disease or Syndrome
Limb-brain ENDOVE syndrome (ENDOVESLB) is characterized by marked mesomelic shortening of the lower limbs due to severe hypoplasia of the tibia and fibula. The talus is absent and foot bones are rudimentary. Hands show short and malformed fingers with a missing digit, and nails are absent on some fingers. In addition, there is cerebellar aplasia with hypoplasia of the brainstem (Allou et al., 2021).
Kohlschutter-Tonz syndrome-like- MedGen UID:
- 1781649
- •Concept ID:
- C5543202
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- Disease or Syndrome
Den Hoed-de Boer-Voisin syndrome (DHDBV) is characterized by global developmental delay with moderately to severely impaired intellectual development, poor or absent speech, and delayed motor skills. Although the severity of the disorder varies, many patients are nonverbal and have hypotonia with inability to sit or walk. Early-onset epilepsy is common and may be refractory to treatment, leading to epileptic encephalopathy and further interruption of developmental progress. Most patients have feeding difficulties with poor overall growth and dysmorphic facial features, as well as significant dental anomalies resembling amelogenesis imperfecta. The phenotype is reminiscent of Kohlschutter-Tonz syndrome (KTZS; 226750). More variable features of DHDBV include visual defects, behavioral abnormalities, and nonspecific involvement of other organ systems (summary by den Hoed et al., 2021).
Short stature, oligodontia, dysmorphic facies, and motor delay- MedGen UID:
- 1787876
- •Concept ID:
- C5543206
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- Disease or Syndrome
SOFM is characterized by marked short stature, oligodontia, mild facial dysmorphism, and motor delay. Endosteal hyperostosis has also been observed, and patients may exhibit some features of progeria (Terhal et al., 2020; Beauregard-Lacroix et al., 2020).
Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome 4- MedGen UID:
- 1783600
- •Concept ID:
- C5543519
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- Disease or Syndrome
Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome-4 (MMIHS4) is a severe early-onset disorder characterized by impaired smooth muscle contractility in the bladder and intestines (Kandler et al., 2020).
For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of MMIHS, see 249210.
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome 9- MedGen UID:
- 1794176
- •Concept ID:
- C5561966
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- Disease or Syndrome
Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome-9 (AGS9) is a type I interferonopathy characterized by severe developmental delay and progressive neurologic deterioration. Patients present in infancy with irritability and spasticity. Brain imaging shows diffusely abnormal white matter, cerebral atrophy, and intracranial calcification. Premature death has been associated with renal and/or hepatic failure (Uggenti et al., 2020).
For a general phenotypic description and discussion of genetic heterogeneity of Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome, see AGS1 (225750).
DEGCAGS syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 1794177
- •Concept ID:
- C5561967
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- Disease or Syndrome
DEGCAGS syndrome is an autosomal recessive syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by global developmental delay, coarse and dysmorphic facial features, and poor growth and feeding apparent from infancy. Affected individuals have variable systemic manifestations often with significant structural defects of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, gastrointestinal, and/or skeletal systems. Additional features may include sensorineural hearing loss, hypotonia, anemia or pancytopenia, and immunodeficiency with recurrent infections. Death in childhood may occur (summary by Bertoli-Avella et al., 2021).
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia, type 16- MedGen UID:
- 1794197
- •Concept ID:
- C5561987
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 16 (PCH16) is an autosomal recessive severe neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hypotonia and severe global developmental delay apparent from early infancy. Although the severity of the disorder is variable, most affected individuals achieve only a few, if any, developmental milestones. Most are unable to walk or speak, have eye abnormalities with poor visual contact, and develop early-onset epilepsy. Other features may include stereotypic movements, spasticity, and progressive microcephaly. Brain imaging shows pontocerebellar hypoplasia, often with thin corpus callosum, atrophy of the thalamus and basal ganglia, enlarged ventricles, and white matter abnormalities (summary by Ucuncu et al., 2020).
For a phenotypic description and a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of PCH, see PCH1A (607596).
Combined immunodeficiency due to moesin deficiency- MedGen UID:
- 1799546
- •Concept ID:
- C5568123
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- Disease or Syndrome
IMD50 is an X-linked recessive primary immunodeficiency characterized by the onset of recurrent bacterial or varicella zoster virus (VZV) infections in early childhood. Laboratory studies show profound lymphopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, poor immune response to vaccine antigens, and fluctuating neutropenia. The disorder does not affect overall patient survival (summary by Lagresle-Peyrou et al., 2016).
Immunodeficiency 97 with autoinflammation- MedGen UID:
- 1802936
- •Concept ID:
- C5676946
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Immunodeficiency-97 with autoinflammation (IMD97) is an autosomal recessive complex immunologic disorder with variable features. Affected individuals present in the first decade of life with inflammatory interstitial lung disease or colitis due to abnormal tissue infiltration by activated T cells. Patients develop autoimmune cytopenias and may have lymphadenopathy; 1 reported patient had features of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH; see FHL1, 267700). Some patients may have recurrent infections associated with mild lymphopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and NK cell dysfunction. Immunologic workup indicates signs of significant immune dysregulation with elevation of inflammatory serum markers, variable immune cell defects involving neutrophils, NK cells, and myeloid cells, and disrupted levels of T regulatory cells (Tregs). Two unrelated patients have been reported (summary by Takeda et al., 2019 and Thian et al., 2020).
Chilton-Okur-Chung neurodevelopmental syndrome- MedGen UID:
- 1803276
- •Concept ID:
- C5677022
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- Disease or Syndrome
Chilton-Okur-Chung neurodevelopmental syndrome (CHOCNS) is characterized mainly by global developmental delay with variably impaired intellectual development and occasional speech delay. Most patients have behavioral abnormalities, including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and aggression. About half of patients have dysmorphic facial features, and about half have nonspecific brain abnormalities, including thin corpus callosum. Rare involvement of other organ systems may be present. At least 1 child with normal development at age 2.5 years has been reported (Chilton et al., 2020).
Liver disease, severe congenital- MedGen UID:
- 1823968
- •Concept ID:
- C5774195
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- Disease or Syndrome
Severe congenital liver disease (SCOLIV) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the onset of progressive hepatic dysfunction usually in the first years of life. Affected individuals show feeding difficulties with failure to thrive and features such as jaundice, hepatomegaly, and abdominal distension. Laboratory workup is consistent with hepatic insufficiency and may also show coagulation defects, anemia, or metabolic disturbances. Cirrhosis and hypernodularity are commonly observed on liver biopsy. Many patients die of liver failure in early childhood (Moreno Traspas et al., 2022).
Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and ischiopubic hypoplasia- MedGen UID:
- 1824071
- •Concept ID:
- C5774298
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- Disease or Syndrome
Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic facies and ischiopubic hypoplasia (NEDFIH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by these features and moderate to severe global developmental delay. Affected individuals show episodic regression during periods of stress, including seizures or infection, the latter of which may be associated with lymphopenia. Brain imaging shows diminished white matter volume, enlarged ventricles, and thin corpus callosum (Muffels et al., 2023).
Neurodevelopmental disorder with impaired language, behavioral abnormalities, and dysmorphic facies- MedGen UID:
- 1847194
- •Concept ID:
- C5882686
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Neurodevelopmental disorder with impaired language, behavioral abnormalities, and dysmorphic facies (NEDLBF) is characterized by global developmental delay, speech delay, variably impaired intellectual development, behavioral abnormalities, and dysmorphic facial features. The phenotype and severity of the disorder is heterogeneous, ranging from borderline to severe. Brain imaging is usually normal. More variable additional features include early feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, short stature, mild visual impairment, hypotonia, seizures (particularly febrile), and distal skeletal defects of the hands and feet (Jia et al., 2022).