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Squared iliac bones

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Synonym: Square iliac bones
HPO: HP:0003177


A shift from the normally round (convex) appearance of the iliac wing towards a square-like appearance. [from HPO]

Conditions with this feature

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Opsismodysplasia (OPSMD) is a rare skeletal dysplasia involving delayed bone maturation. Clinical signs observed at birth include short limbs, small hands and feet, relative macrocephaly with a large anterior fontanel, and characteristic craniofacial abnormalities including a prominent brow, depressed nasal bridge, a small anteverted nose, and a relatively long philtrum. Death in utero or secondary to respiratory failure during the first few years of life has been reported, but there can be long-term survival. Typical radiographic findings include shortened long bones with delayed epiphyseal ossification, severe platyspondyly, metaphyseal cupping, and characteristic abnormalities of the metacarpals and phalanges (summary by Below et al., 2013 and Fradet and Fitzgerald, 2017).
Lowry-Wood syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
RNU4atac-opathy encompasses the phenotypic spectrum of biallelic RNU4ATAC pathogenic variants, including the three historically designated clinical phenotypes microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type I/III (MOPDI), Roifman syndrome, and Lowry-Wood syndrome, as well as varying combinations of the disease features / system involvement that do not match specific defined phenotypes. Findings present in all affected individuals include growth restriction, microcephaly, skeletal dysplasia, and cognitive impairment. Less common but variable findings include brain anomalies, seizures, strokes, immunodeficiency, and cardiac anomalies, as well as ophthalmologic, skin, renal, gastrointestinal, hearing, and endocrine involvement.
Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, matrilin-3 type
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The Borochowitz-Cormier-Daire type of spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (SEMDBCD) is a rare type of autosomal recessive short-limb short-trunk dwarfism. Affected individuals have significant short stature with pronounced leg bowing, lumbar lordosis, and a waddling gait (summary by Borochowitz et al., 2004 and Shyamasundar et al., 2020).
CODAS syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
CODAS is an acronym for cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, and skeletal anomalies. CODAS syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by a distinctive constellation of features that includes developmental delay, craniofacial anomalies, cataracts, ptosis, median nasal groove, delayed tooth eruption, hearing loss, short stature, delayed epiphyseal ossification, metaphyseal hip dysplasia, and vertebral coronal clefts (summary by Strauss et al., 2015).
Chondrodysplasia Blomstrand type
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Blomstrand chondrodysplasia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by short limbs, polyhydramnios, hydrops fetalis, facial anomalies, increased bone density, and advanced skeletal maturation (summary by Loshkajian et al., 1997).
Weismann-Netter syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The diagnostic hallmarks of Weismann-Netter syndrome (WNS) are anterior bowing of the diaphyses of the tibia and fibula, broadening or 'tibialization' of the fibula, posterior cortical thickening of both bones, and short stature. The diaphyses of other long bones may be similarly affected, but usually to a milder degree. Some WNS patients have also displayed mental retardation (summary by Peippo et al., 2009).
Autosomal recessive spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Megarbane type
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Autosomal recessive spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, Mégarbané type is a rare, primary bone dysplasia characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, pre- and postnatal disproportionate short stature with short, rhizomelic limbs, facial dysmorphism, a short neck and small thorax. Hypotonia, cardiomegaly and global developmental delay have also been associated. Several radiographic findings have been reported, including ribs with cupped ends, platyspondyly, square iliac bones, horizontal and trident acetabula, hypoplastic ischia, and delayed epiphyseal ossification.
COG1 congenital disorder of glycosylation
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
An extremely rare form of carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome with, in the few cases reported to date, variable signs including microcephaly, growth retardation, psychomotor retardation and facial dysmorphism.
Short-rib thoracic dysplasia 13 with or without polydactyly
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
An asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy that has material basis in homozygous mutation in the CEP120 gene on chromosome 5q23.
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome type 1
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Schwartz-Jampel syndrome type 1 (SJS1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by muscle stiffness (myotonia) and chondrodysplasia. Affected individuals usually present in childhood with permanent muscle stiffness or bone deformities. Common clinical features include mask-like facies (narrow palpebral fissures, blepharospasm, and pursed lips); permanent muscle stiffness with continuous skeletal muscle activity recorded on electromyography; dwarfism; pectus carinatum; kyphoscoliosis; bowing of long bones; and epiphyseal, metaphyseal, and hip dysplasia. The disorder is slowly progressive but does not appear to alter life span (summary by Stum et al., 2006).
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, classic-like, 2
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome classic-like-2 (EDSCLL2) is characterized by severe joint and skin laxity, osteoporosis involving the hips and spine, osteoarthritis, soft redundant skin that can be acrogeria-like, delayed wound healing with abnormal atrophic scarring, and shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle dislocations. Variable features include gastrointestinal and genitourinary manifestations, such as bowel rupture, gut dysmotility, cryptorchidism, and hernias; vascular complications, such as mitral valve prolapse and aortic root dilation; and skeletal anomalies (Blackburn et al., 2018). For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of classic-like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, see 606408. For a discussion of the classification of EDS, see 130000.
Anauxetic dysplasia 3
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Anauxetic dysplasia-3 (ANXD3) is characterized by severe short stature, brachydactyly, skin laxity, joint hypermobility, and joint dislocations. Radiographs show short metacarpals, broad middle phalanges, and metaphyseal irregularities. Most patients also exhibit motor and cognitive delays (Narayanan et al., 2019). For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of anauxetic dysplasia, see ANXD1 (607095).
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with corneal dystrophy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with corneal dystrophy (SMDCD) is characterized by short stature due to short proximal and distal long bones. Affected individuals also exhibit narrow thorax with pulmonary hypoplasia and respiratory failure, as well as corneal dystrophy. Severe developmental delay has been observed (Ben-Salem et al., 2018).

Professional guidelines


Klein SR, Saroyan RM, Baumgartner F, Bongard FS
J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1992 May-Jun;33(3):349-57. PMID: 1601921

Recent clinical studies


Aldaghir OM, Naje AR, Ghadhban AT, Al Atabi HSH, Aldaghir OM
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2024 Mar;28(1):205-216. Epub 2022 Nov 23 doi: 10.1007/s10006-022-01128-0. PMID: 36417043
Niskanen M, Junno JA, Maijanen H, Holt B, Sladék V, Berner M
J Hum Evol 2018 Feb;115:112-121. Epub 2017 Dec 7 doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.10.015. PMID: 29223292
Yaganti V, Mejevoi N, Hasan O, Cohen M, Wasty N
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013 Mar;81(4):674-9. Epub 2013 Jan 3 doi: 10.1002/ccd.24335. PMID: 23292908
Fu CY, Hsieh CH, Wu SC, Chen RJ, Wang YC, Shih CH, Huang HC, Huang JC, Tsuo HC, Tung HJ
Am J Emerg Med 2013 Jan;31(1):42-9. Epub 2012 Aug 31 doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2012.05.026. PMID: 22944536
Velmahos GC, Chahwan S, Hanks SE, Murray JA, Berne TV, Asensio J, Demetriades D
Am Surg 2000 Sep;66(9):858-62. PMID: 10993617


Palamenghi A, Mazzarelli D, Cappella A, De Angelis D, Sforza C, Cattaneo C, Gibelli D
Int J Legal Med 2023 Jan;137(1):105-113. Epub 2022 Oct 5 doi: 10.1007/s00414-022-02895-x. PMID: 36195690Free PMC Article
Gosheger G, Ahrens H, Dreher P, Schneider KN, Deventer N, Budny T, Heitkötter B, Schulze M, Theil C
Bone Joint J 2022 Feb;104-B(2):290-296. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.104B2.BJJ-2021-1180.R1. PMID: 35094575
Al-Jabri T, Mannan A, Giannoudis P
J Orthop Surg Res 2014 Apr 1;9:21. doi: 10.1186/1749-799X-9-21. PMID: 24690301Free PMC Article
McAfee PC, Lee GA, Fedder IL, Cunningham BW
Clin Orthop Relat Res 2002 Jan;(394):55-63. doi: 10.1097/00003086-200201000-00007. PMID: 11795752
Rothschild BM, Rothschild C
Am J Phys Anthropol 1995 Apr;96(4):357-63. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.1330960404. PMID: 7604891


Aldaghir OM, Naje AR, Ghadhban AT, Al Atabi HSH, Aldaghir OM
Oral Maxillofac Surg 2024 Mar;28(1):205-216. Epub 2022 Nov 23 doi: 10.1007/s10006-022-01128-0. PMID: 36417043
Haskel JD, Kaplan DJ, Fried JW, Youm T, Samim M, Burke C
Arthroscopy 2021 Apr;37(4):1170-1178. Epub 2020 Dec 17 doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.12.184. PMID: 33340679
Yaganti V, Mejevoi N, Hasan O, Cohen M, Wasty N
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013 Mar;81(4):674-9. Epub 2013 Jan 3 doi: 10.1002/ccd.24335. PMID: 23292908
McAfee PC, Lee GA, Fedder IL, Cunningham BW
Clin Orthop Relat Res 2002 Jan;(394):55-63. doi: 10.1097/00003086-200201000-00007. PMID: 11795752
Velmahos GC, Chahwan S, Hanks SE, Murray JA, Berne TV, Asensio J, Demetriades D
Am Surg 2000 Sep;66(9):858-62. PMID: 10993617


Haskel JD, Kaplan DJ, Fried JW, Youm T, Samim M, Burke C
Arthroscopy 2021 Apr;37(4):1170-1178. Epub 2020 Dec 17 doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.12.184. PMID: 33340679
Blake KAS
J Forensic Sci 2019 Jul;64(4):1129-1134. Epub 2019 Feb 1 doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14011. PMID: 30707768
Yaganti V, Mejevoi N, Hasan O, Cohen M, Wasty N
Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2013 Mar;81(4):674-9. Epub 2013 Jan 3 doi: 10.1002/ccd.24335. PMID: 23292908
McAfee PC, Lee GA, Fedder IL, Cunningham BW
Clin Orthop Relat Res 2002 Jan;(394):55-63. doi: 10.1097/00003086-200201000-00007. PMID: 11795752
Velmahos GC, Chahwan S, Hanks SE, Murray JA, Berne TV, Asensio J, Demetriades D
Am Surg 2000 Sep;66(9):858-62. PMID: 10993617

Clinical prediction guides

Hachem AI, Diaz-Apablaza E, Molina-Creixell A, Ruis X, Videla S, Luis Agulló J
Am J Sports Med 2024 May;52(6):1472-1482. Epub 2024 Apr 8 doi: 10.1177/03635465241236179. PMID: 38590203
Gosheger G, Ahrens H, Dreher P, Schneider KN, Deventer N, Budny T, Heitkötter B, Schulze M, Theil C
Bone Joint J 2022 Feb;104-B(2):290-296. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.104B2.BJJ-2021-1180.R1. PMID: 35094575
Haskel JD, Kaplan DJ, Fried JW, Youm T, Samim M, Burke C
Arthroscopy 2021 Apr;37(4):1170-1178. Epub 2020 Dec 17 doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.12.184. PMID: 33340679
Blake KAS
J Forensic Sci 2019 Jul;64(4):1129-1134. Epub 2019 Feb 1 doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14011. PMID: 30707768
Kawai T, Murakami S, Hiranuma H
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1994 Jun;77(6):678-83. doi: 10.1016/0030-4220(94)90334-4. PMID: 8065738

Recent systematic reviews

Morelli I, Drago L, George DA, Gallazzi E, Scarponi S, Romanò CL
Injury 2016 Dec;47 Suppl 6:S68-S76. doi: 10.1016/S0020-1383(16)30842-7. PMID: 28040090
Al-Jabri T, Mannan A, Giannoudis P
J Orthop Surg Res 2014 Apr 1;9:21. doi: 10.1186/1749-799X-9-21. PMID: 24690301Free PMC Article

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