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MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome; Finding
Synonyms: Constricted Pupil; Constricted Pupils; Mioses; Mioses, Persistent; Mioses, Pupillary; Miosis, Persistent; Miosis, Pupillary; Persistent Mioses; Persistent Miosis; Pupil, Constricted; Pupil, Small; Pupillary Mioses; Pupillary Miosis; Pupils, Constricted; Pupils, Small; Small Pupil; Small Pupils
SNOMED CT: Persistent miosis (63251006)
HPO: HP:0000616


Abnormal (non-physiological) constriction of the pupil. [from HPO]

Term Hierarchy

Conditions with this feature

Langer-Giedion syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome (TRPS) comprises TRPS I (caused by a heterozygous pathogenic variant in TRPS1) and TRPS II (caused by contiguous gene deletion of TRPS1, RAD21, and EXT1). Both types of TRPS are characterized by distinctive facial features; ectodermal features (fine, sparse, depigmented, and slow growing hair; dystrophic nails; and small breasts); and skeletal findings (short stature; short feet; brachydactyly with ulnar or radial deviation of the fingers; and early, marked hip dysplasia). TRPS II is characterized by multiple osteochondromas (typically first observed clinically on the scapulae and around the elbows and knees between ages 1 month and 6 years) and an increased risk of mild-to-moderate intellectual disability.
Phytanic acid storage disease
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Adult Refsum disease (ARD is associated with elevated plasma phytanic acid levels, late childhood-onset (or later) retinitis pigmentosa, and variable combinations of anosmia, polyneuropathy, deafness, ataxia, and ichthyosis. Onset of symptoms ranges from age seven months to older than age 50 years. Cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure caused by cardiomyopathy are potentially severe health problems that develop later in life.
Cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome 1
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
An autosomal recessive subtype of cerebrooculofacioskeletal syndrome caused by mutation(s) in the ERCC6 gene, encoding DNA excision repair protein ERCC-6.
Deficiency of aromatic-L-amino-acid decarboxylase
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency (AADCD) is an autosomal recessive inborn error in neurotransmitter metabolism that leads to combined serotonin and catecholamine deficiency (Abeling et al., 2000). The disorder is clinically characterized by vegetative symptoms, oculogyric crises, dystonia, and severe neurologic dysfunction, usually beginning in infancy or childhood (summary by Brun et al., 2010).
Congenital miosis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Inherited congenital microcoria, also referred to as congenital miosis, is characterized by bilateral small pupils (diameter less than 2 mm) that result from an underdevelopment of the dilator pupillae muscle of the iris (Holth and Berner, 1923; Simpson and Parsons, 1989). Iris transillumination defects are a constant feature. The pupil dilates poorly or not at all in response to topically administered mydriatic drugs. The disorder is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait with complete penetrance and is associated with goniodysgenesis and glaucoma (Tawara and Inomata, 1983; Mazzeo et al., 1986; Toulemont et al., 1995).
Microphthalmia, isolated, with cataract 1
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Ophthalmoplegia totalis with ptosis and miosis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Total ophthalmoplegia involves total paralysis of all extra- and intraocular muscles. If one or more of the external muscles, including the levator palpebrae, is not affected, the condition is known as incomplete or partial ophthalmoplegia. If only 1 nerve is affected, the palsy is named after that nerve (see, e.g., abducens palsy, 100200) (Waardenburg, 1963).
Stormorken syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Stormorken syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by mild bleeding tendency due to platelet dysfunction, thrombocytopenia, anemia, asplenia, tubular aggregate myopathy, congenital miosis, and ichthyosis. Additional features may include headache or recurrent stroke-like episodes (summary by Misceo et al., 2014).
Cluster headache, familial
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society (1988) listed the following criteria for cluster headache (CH): at least 5 attacks of severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital, and/or temporal pain, lasting 15 to 180 minutes, associated with at least 1 of 8 local autonomic signs, and occurring once every other day to 8 per day. Approximately 85% of CH patients have the episodic subtype, in which the headaches occur in cluster periods lasting from 7 days to 1 year and separated by attack-free intervals of 1 month or more. The remainder of patients have the chronic subtype, in which attacks recur for greater than 1 year without remission or with remissions lasting less than 1 month (Lipton et al., 2004).
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 29
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Spinocerebellar ataxia-29 (SCA29) is an autosomal dominant neurologic disorder characterized by onset in infancy of delayed motor development and mild cognitive delay. Affected individuals develop a very slowly progressive or nonprogressive gait and limb ataxia associated with cerebellar atrophy on brain imaging. Additional variable features include nystagmus, dysarthria, and tremor (summary by Huang et al., 2012). For a general discussion of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia, see SCA1 (164400).
Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease (NIID) is an autosomal dominant, slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations, including pyramidal and extrapyramidal symptoms, cerebellar ataxia, cognitive decline and dementia, peripheral neuropathy, and autonomic dysfunction. The age at onset varies, but most individuals present as adults between about 30 and 70 years of age. Pathologic investigation shows eosinophilic intranuclear inclusions in almost all cell types, including neurons, skin cells, fibroblasts, and skeletal muscle. Brain imaging shows a characteristic leukoencephalopathy with high intensity signals in the corticomedullary junction on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), as well as white matter abnormalities in subcortical and brainstem regions. Skin biopsy combined with brain imaging is useful for diagnosis (summary by Sone et al., 2016). The phenotype in some cases is suggestive of Parkinson disease (see 168600) and/or Alzheimer disease (see 104300), consistent with an evolving phenotypic spectrum of adult-onset NIID (summary by Tian et al., 2019).
Warburg micro syndrome 3
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
RAB18 deficiency is the molecular deficit underlying both Warburg micro syndrome (characterized by eye, nervous system, and endocrine abnormalities) and Martsolf syndrome (characterized by similar – but milder – findings). To date Warburg micro syndrome comprises >96% of reported individuals with genetically defined RAB18 deficiency. The hallmark ophthalmologic findings are bilateral congenital cataracts, usually accompanied by microphthalmia, microcornea (diameter <10), and small atonic pupils. Poor vision despite early cataract surgery likely results from progressive optic atrophy and cortical visual impairment. Individuals with Warburg micro syndrome have severe to profound intellectual disability (ID); those with Martsolf syndrome have mild to moderate ID. Some individuals with RAB18 deficiency also have epilepsy. In Warburg micro syndrome, a progressive ascending spastic paraplegia typically begins with spastic diplegia and contractures during the first year, followed by upper-limb involvement leading to spastic quadriplegia after about age five years, often eventually causing breathing difficulties. In Martsolf syndrome infantile hypotonia is followed primarily by slowly progressive lower-limb spasticity. Hypogonadism – when present – manifests in both syndromes, in males as micropenis and/or cryptorchidism and in females as hypoplastic labia minora, clitoral hypoplasia, and small introitus.
Myopathy, tubular aggregate, 2
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Any tubular aggregate myopathy in which the cause of the disease is a mutation in the ORAI1 gene.
Colobomatous optic disc-macular atrophy-chorioretinopathy syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A rare genetic eye disease with characteristics of optic disc anomalies (bilateral colobomatous optic discs, retinal vessels arising from the peripheral optic disc) and macular atrophy. Peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy and chorioretinal and iris coloboma have also been described. Patients present with horizontal nystagmus and poor visual acuity.
Isolated congenital megalocornea
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Congenital Abnormality
Isolated congenital megalocornea is a genetic, non-syndromic developmental defect of the anterior eye segment. The disease has characteristics of bilateral enlargement of the corneal diameter and a deep anterior eye chamber, without an elevation in intraocular pressure. It can manifest with mild to moderate myopia as well as photophobia and iridodonesis (due to iris hypoplasia). Associated complications include lens dislocation, retinal detachment, presenile cataract development and secondary glaucoma. There is evidence this disease is caused by mutation in the CHRDL1 gene on chromosome Xq23.
Cataract 48
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cataract-48 (CTRCT48) is characterized by infantile or early-childhood cataracts and visual impairment (Ansar et al., 2018).
Oculopharyngodistal myopathy 3
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Oculopharyngodistal myopathy-3 (OPDM3) is a neuromyodegenerative disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness with ocular, facial, pharyngeal, and distal limb involvement, resulting in dysarthria and gait difficulties. The onset of the disorder is usually in adulthood, although childhood onset has rarely been reported. Additional features include hyporeflexia, proximal muscle weakness, neck muscle weakness, dysarthria, dysphagia, and ptosis. Some patients may develop pigmentary retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, or hearing loss. Cognition is usually not affected, but there may be deficits or psychiatric manifestations. Brain imaging tends to show a leukoencephalopathy, often with a characteristic linear signal along the corticomedullary junction on brain imaging. Skin and muscle biopsy show intranuclear inclusions and rimmed vacuoles. Many of the clinical features are reminiscent of NIID, suggesting that these disorders likely fall within a broad phenotypic spectrum of diseases with neuromyodegenerative features associated with abnormal repeat expansions in this gene (summary by Ogasawara et al., 2020 and Yu et al., 2021). For a discussion of genetic heterogeneity of OPDM, see OPDM1 (164310).

Professional guidelines


Morin G, Biancalana V, Echaniz-Laguna A, Noury JB, Lornage X, Moggio M, Ripolone M, Violano R, Marcorelles P, Maréchal D, Renaud F, Maurage CA, Tard C, Cuisset JM, Laporte J, Böhm J
Hum Mutat 2020 Jan;41(1):17-37. Epub 2019 Sep 15 doi: 10.1002/humu.23899. PMID: 31448844
Ljubisavljevic S, Zidverc Trajkovic J
J Neurol 2019 May;266(5):1059-1066. Epub 2018 Aug 17 doi: 10.1007/s00415-018-9007-4. PMID: 30120560
Mehta A, Chilakamarri P, Zubair A, Kuruvilla DE
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2018 Oct 17;18(12):95. doi: 10.1007/s11910-018-0899-2. PMID: 30328517

Recent clinical studies


Sone J, Mori K, Inagaki T, Katsumata R, Takagi S, Yokoi S, Araki K, Kato T, Nakamura T, Koike H, Takashima H, Hashiguchi A, Kohno Y, Kurashige T, Kuriyama M, Takiyama Y, Tsuchiya M, Kitagawa N, Kawamoto M, Yoshimura H, Suto Y, Nakayasu H, Uehara N, Sugiyama H, Takahashi M, Kokubun N, Konno T, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G
Brain 2016 Dec;139(Pt 12):3170-3186. Epub 2016 Oct 25 doi: 10.1093/brain/aww249. PMID: 27797808Free PMC Article
Abdel-Aziz S, Mamalis N
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2009 Jan;20(1):37-41. doi: 10.1097/ICU.0b013e32831bc0ad. PMID: 19077827
Ur Rehman H
CMAJ 2008 Aug 26;179(5):447-8. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.070497. PMID: 18725617Free PMC Article
Bamshad MJ, Wasserman GS
Vet Hum Toxicol 1990 Jun;32(3):220-3. PMID: 2353431
Sarkies NJ, Sanders MD
Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K (1962) 1985;104 ( Pt 7):782-6. PMID: 3868219


Huff JS, Austin EW
Emerg Med Clin North Am 2016 Nov;34(4):967-986. doi: 10.1016/j.emc.2016.06.016. PMID: 27741997
Silva CT, Brockley CR, Crum A, Mandelstam SA
Semin Ultrasound CT MR 2011 Feb;32(1):14-27. doi: 10.1053/j.sult.2010.09.005. PMID: 21277488
Ur Rehman H
CMAJ 2008 Aug 26;179(5):447-8. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.070497. PMID: 18725617Free PMC Article
Walton KA, Buono LM
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2003 Dec;14(6):357-63. doi: 10.1097/00055735-200312000-00007. PMID: 14615640
Sarkies NJ, Sanders MD
Trans Ophthalmol Soc U K (1962) 1985;104 ( Pt 7):782-6. PMID: 3868219


Griffin K, Stitt D
Semin Neurol 2024 Aug;44(4):452-458. Epub 2024 Jun 7 doi: 10.1055/s-0044-1787545. PMID: 38848747
Orman B, Benozzi G
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2021 Jul 1;32(4):319-323. doi: 10.1097/ICU.0000000000000770. PMID: 33973905
Ruiz-Colón K, Chavez-Arias C, Díaz-Alcalá JE, Martínez MA
Forensic Sci Int 2014 Jul;240:1-8. Epub 2014 Mar 26 doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2014.03.015. PMID: 24769343
Abdel-Aziz S, Mamalis N
Curr Opin Ophthalmol 2009 Jan;20(1):37-41. doi: 10.1097/ICU.0b013e32831bc0ad. PMID: 19077827
Pachter IJ, Evens RP
Drug Alcohol Depend 1985 Feb;14(3-4):325-38. doi: 10.1016/0376-8716(85)90065-1. PMID: 3888579


Kuchalska K, Barełkowska M, Derwich K, Jończyk-Potoczna K, Gotz-Więckowska A
Childs Nerv Syst 2021 Apr;37(4):1243-1247. Epub 2020 Nov 10 doi: 10.1007/s00381-020-04966-z. PMID: 33174155Free PMC Article
Ur Rehman H
CMAJ 2008 Aug 26;179(5):447-8. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.070497. PMID: 18725617Free PMC Article
Leroux E, Ducros A
Orphanet J Rare Dis 2008 Jul 23;3:20. doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-3-20. PMID: 18651939Free PMC Article
Salvesen R
Cephalalgia 1999 Dec;19 Suppl 25:42-5. doi: 10.1177/0333102499019s2511. PMID: 10668120
O'Malley GF, Seifert S, Heard K, Daly F, Dart RC
Ann Emerg Med 1999 Aug;34(2):279-81. doi: 10.1016/s0196-0644(99)70249-0. PMID: 10424936

Clinical prediction guides

Pinheiro HM, da Costa RM
J Biomed Inform 2021 May;117:103757. Epub 2021 Apr 4 doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103757. PMID: 33826949
Espí Rito Santo R, Salgado C, Prata F, Mouzinho A
BMJ Case Rep 2017 Aug 24;2017 doi: 10.1136/bcr-2017-219673. PMID: 28839109Free PMC Article
Schojai M, Schultz T, Burkhard Dick H
J Refract Surg 2017 Aug 1;33(8):568-570. doi: 10.3928/1081597X-20170620-01. PMID: 28787524
Sone J, Mori K, Inagaki T, Katsumata R, Takagi S, Yokoi S, Araki K, Kato T, Nakamura T, Koike H, Takashima H, Hashiguchi A, Kohno Y, Kurashige T, Kuriyama M, Takiyama Y, Tsuchiya M, Kitagawa N, Kawamoto M, Yoshimura H, Suto Y, Nakayasu H, Uehara N, Sugiyama H, Takahashi M, Kokubun N, Konno T, Katsuno M, Tanaka F, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida M, Sobue G
Brain 2016 Dec;139(Pt 12):3170-3186. Epub 2016 Oct 25 doi: 10.1093/brain/aww249. PMID: 27797808Free PMC Article
Cavazza S, Bocciolini C, Gasparrini E, Tassinari G
Eur J Ophthalmol 2005 Jul-Aug;15(4):504-6. doi: 10.1177/112067210501500415. PMID: 16001386

Recent systematic reviews

Pinheiro HM, da Costa RM
J Biomed Inform 2021 May;117:103757. Epub 2021 Apr 4 doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103757. PMID: 33826949
Braungart S, Craigie RJ, Farrelly P, Losty PD
Arch Dis Child 2019 Oct;104(10):984-987. Epub 2019 Jun 11 doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317007. PMID: 31186293
Channell JS, Schug S
Pain Manag 2018 Sep 1;8(5):327-339. Epub 2018 Aug 6 doi: 10.2217/pmt-2018-0027. PMID: 30079795
Dhooria S, Agarwal R
Indian J Med Res 2016 Sep;144(3):348-358. doi: 10.4103/0971-5916.198723. PMID: 28139533Free PMC Article
Isbister GK, Balit CR, Kilham HA
Drug Saf 2005;28(11):1029-44. doi: 10.2165/00002018-200528110-00004. PMID: 16231955

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