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Amyloidosis, hereditary systemic 1(AMYLD1)

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Synonyms: AMYLD1; AMYLOID CARDIOMYOPATHY; Amyloid Cardiomyopathy, Transthyretin-related; Amyloid polyneuropathy transthyretin related; Amyloidosis Transthyretin related; Familial amyloid polyneuropathy; Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy Type 1(Portuguese-Swedish-Japanese type); Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy Type II (Indiana/Swiss or Maryland/German type); Familial Transthyretin Amyloidosis; Hereditary oculoleptomeningeal amyloid angiopathy; Isolated Cardiac Amyloidosis; Transthyretin Amyloidosis
Modes of inheritance:
Autosomal dominant inheritance
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Intellectual Product
Source: Orphanet
A mode of inheritance that is observed for traits related to a gene encoded on one of the autosomes (i.e., the human chromosomes 1-22) in which a trait manifests in heterozygotes. In the context of medical genetics, an autosomal dominant disorder is caused when a single copy of the mutant allele is present. Males and females are affected equally, and can both transmit the disorder with a risk of 50% for each child of inheriting the mutant allele.
Gene (location): TTR (18q12.1)
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0971004
OMIM®: 105210
Orphanet: ORPHA85447

Disease characteristics

Excerpted from the GeneReview: Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis
Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRv amyloidosis) is characterized by a slowly progressive peripheral sensorimotor and/or autonomic neuropathy. Amyloidosis can involve the heart, central nervous system (CNS), eyes, and kidneys. The disease usually begins in the third to fifth decade in persons from endemic foci in Portugal and Japan; onset is later in persons from other areas. Typically, sensory neuropathy starts in the lower extremities with paresthesia and hypesthesia of the feet, followed within a few years by motor neuropathy. In some persons, particularly those with early-onset disease, autonomic neuropathy is the first manifestation of the condition; findings can include orthostatic hypotension, constipation alternating with diarrhea, attacks of nausea and vomiting, delayed gastric emptying, sexual impotence, anhidrosis, and urinary retention or incontinence. Cardiac amyloidosis is mainly characterized by progressive restrictive cardiomyopathy. Individuals with leptomeningeal amyloidosis may have the following CNS findings: dementia, psychosis, visual impairment, headache, seizures, motor paresis, ataxia, myelopathy, hydrocephalus, or intracranial hemorrhage. Ocular involvement includes vitreous opacity, glaucoma, dry eye, and ocular amyloid angiopathy. Mild-to-severe kidney disease can develop. [from GeneReviews]
Yoshiki Sekijima  |  Katsuya Nakamura   view full author information

Additional descriptions

Hereditary amyloidoses are a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of autosomal dominantly inherited diseases characterized by the deposit of unsoluble protein fibrils in the extracellular matrix. Patients with AMYLD1 typically present with polyneuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, autonomic insufficiency, cardiomyopathy, and gastrointestinal features, occasionally accompanied by vitreous opacities and renal insufficiency. In later stages of the disease severe diarrhea with malabsorption, cachexia, incapacitating neuropathy, severe cardiac disturbances, and marked orthostatic hypotension dominate the clinical picture. Death usually occurs 5 to 15 years after onset of symptoms (summary by Hund et al., 2001). Reviews Ando et al. (2005) provided a review of transthyretin-related familial amyloid polyneuropathy. The authors stated that the phenotypes can be classified into neuropathic, oculoleptomeningeal, and cardiac. Adams et al. (2019) reviewed hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis, discussing epidemiology, phenotypic heterogeneity, genetic heterogeneity and its influence on age of onset, pathophysiology, and the success of phase III studies of gene-silencing therapies. Genetic Heterogeneity of Hereditary Systemic Amyloidosis AMYLD2 (105200) is caused by mutation in the fibrinogen A-alpha gene (FGA; 134820) on chromosome 4q31. AMYLD3 (620657) is caused by mutation in the apolipoprotein A-1 gene (APOA1; 107680) on chromosome 11q23. AMYLD4 (105120), or Finnish amyloidosis, is caused by mutation in the gelsolin gene (GSN; 137350) on chromosome 9q33. AMYLD5 (620658) is caused by mutation in the lysozyme gene (LYZ; 153450) on chromosome 12q15. AMYLD6 (620659) is caused by mutation in the beta-2 microglobulin gene (B2M; 109700) on chromosome 15q21.  http://www.omim.org/entry/105210
From MedlinePlus Genetics
Transthyretin amyloidosis is a progressive condition characterized by the buildup of abnormal protein deposits called amyloids (amyloidosis) in the body's organs and tissues. These protein deposits most frequently occur in the peripheral nervous system, which is made up of nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles and sensory cells that detect sensations such as touch, pain, heat, and sound. Protein deposits in these nerves result in a loss of sensation or in muscle weakness in the extremities (peripheral neuropathy). The autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary body functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion, may also be affected by amyloidosis. In some cases, the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system) are affected. Other areas of amyloidosis include the heart, kidneys, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. The age at which symptoms begin to develop varies widely among individuals with this condition, typically ranging from age 20 to 70.

There are two major forms of transthyretin amyloidosis, which are distinguished by their symptoms and the body systems they affect.

The neuropathic form of transthyretin amyloidosis primarily affects the peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, resulting in peripheral neuropathy and difficulty controlling bodily functions. Impairments to bodily functions can include sexual impotence, diarrhea, constipation, problems with urination, and a sharp drop in blood pressure upon standing (orthostatic hypotension). Some people experience heart and kidney problems as well. Various eye problems may occur, such as cloudiness of the clear gel that fills the eyeball (vitreous opacity), dry eyes, increased pressure in the eyes (glaucoma), or pupils with an irregular or "scalloped" appearance. Some people with this form of transthyretin amyloidosis develop carpal tunnel syndrome, which is characterized by numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hands and fingers.

The cardiac form of transthyretin amyloidosis affects the heart. People with cardiac amyloidosis may have an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia), an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly), or orthostatic hypertension. These abnormalities can lead to progressive heart failure and death. Occasionally, people with the cardiac form of transthyretin amyloidosis have mild peripheral neuropathy.

A less common form of transthyretin amyloidosis, called the leptomeningeal form, primarily affects the central nervous system. In people with this form, amyloidosis occurs in the leptomeninges, which are two thin layers of tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord. A buildup of proteins in this tissue can cause stroke and bleeding in the brain, an accumulation of fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus), difficulty coordinating movements (ataxia), muscle stiffness and weakness (spastic paralysis), seizures, and loss of intellectual function (dementia). Eye problems similar to those seen in the neuropathic form of transthyretin amyloidosis may also occur; people with leptomeningeal transthyretin amyloidosis who have these eye problems are said to have the oculoleptomeningeal form.  https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/transthyretin-amyloidosis

Clinical features

From HPO
Urinary incontinence
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Concept ID:
Loss of the ability to control the urinary bladder leading to involuntary urination.
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Inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis.
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Increased size of the heart, clinically defined as an increased transverse diameter of the cardiac silhouette that is greater than or equal to 50% of the transverse diameter of the chest (increased cardiothoracic ratio) on a posterior-anterior projection of a chest radiograph or a computed tomography.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A myocardial disorder in which the heart muscle is structurally and functionally abnormal, in the absence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, valvular disease and congenital heart disease sufficient to cause the observed myocardial abnormality.
Stroke-like episode
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Concept ID:
No consensus exists on what a stroke-like episode is, but these episodes can be functionally defined as a new neurological deficit, occurring with or without the context of seizures, which last longer than 24 hours.
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Sign or Symptom
Infrequent or difficult evacuation of feces.
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Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Abnormally increased frequency (usually defined as three or more) loose or watery bowel movements a day.
Episodic vomiting
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Concept ID:
Paroxysmal, recurrent episodes of vomiting.
Sensorineural hearing loss disorder
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Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A type of hearing impairment in one or both ears related to an abnormal functionality of the cochlear nerve.
Hearing impairment
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Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A decreased magnitude of the sensory perception of sound.
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Intense feelings of nervousness, tension, or panic often arise in response to interpersonal stresses. There is worry about the negative effects of past unpleasant experiences and future negative possibilities. Individuals may feel fearful, apprehensive, or threatened by uncertainty, and they may also have fears of falling apart or losing control.
Cerebellar ataxia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Cerebellar ataxia refers to ataxia due to dysfunction of the cerebellum. This causes a variety of elementary neurological deficits including asynergy (lack of coordination between muscles, limbs and joints), dysmetria (lack of ability to judge distances that can lead to under- or overshoot in grasping movements), and dysdiadochokinesia (inability to perform rapid movements requiring antagonizing muscle groups to be switched on and off repeatedly).
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Lack of clarity and coherence of thought, perception, understanding, or action.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Dysarthric speech is a general description referring to a neurological speech disorder characterized by poor articulation. Depending on the involved neurological structures, dysarthria may be further classified as spastic, flaccid, ataxic, hyperkinetic and hypokinetic, or mixed.
Abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A functional abnormality of the autonomic nervous system.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Perceptions in a conscious and awake state that, in the absence of external stimuli, have qualities of real perception. These perceptions are vivid, substantial, and located in external objective space.
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Sign or Symptom
Cephalgia, or pain sensed in various parts of the head, not confined to the area of distribution of any nerve.
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Concept ID:
Loss of strength in the arm, leg, and sometimes face on one side of the body. Hemiplegia refers to a complete loss of strength, whereas hemiparesis refers to an incomplete loss of strength.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A motor disorder characterized by a velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes with increased muscle tone, exaggerated (hyperexcitable) tendon reflexes.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Severe or complete weakness of both lower extremities with sparing of the upper extremities.
Peripheral neuropathy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Peripheral neuropathy is a general term for any disorder of the peripheral nervous system. The main clinical features used to classify peripheral neuropathy are distribution, type (mainly demyelinating versus mainly axonal), duration, and course.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A seizure is an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterized by a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
Spastic paraparesis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Mild or moderate loss of motor function accompanied by spasticity in the lower extremities. This condition is a manifestation of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES that cause injury to the motor cortex or descending motor pathways.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
An unintentional, oscillating to-and-fro muscle movement about a joint axis.
MedGen UID:
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Hyperreflexia is the presence of hyperactive stretch reflexes of the muscles.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A generalized disorder of peripheral nerves.
Auditory hallucination
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Perception of sounds without auditory stimulus.
Abnormal pyramidal sign
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Functional neurological abnormalities related to dysfunction of the pyramidal tract.
Positive Romberg sign
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Concept ID:
The patient stands with the feet placed together and balance and is asked to close his or her eyes. A loss of balance upon eye closure is a positive Romberg sign and is interpreted as indicating a deficit in proprioception.
Truncal ataxia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Truncal ataxia is a sign of ataxia characterized by instability of the trunk. It usually occurs during sitting.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
A loss of global cognitive ability of sufficient amount to interfere with normal social or occupational function. Dementia represents a loss of previously present cognitive abilities, generally in adults, and can affect memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Reduction of neurologic reflexes such as the knee-jerk reaction.
Limb ataxia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A kind of ataxia that affects movements of the extremities.
Peripheral axonal neuropathy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
An abnormality characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of peripheral axons.
Increased CSF protein concentration
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Increased concentration of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid.
Orthostatic hypotension due to autonomic dysfunction
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Constrictive median neuropathy
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Anatomical Abnormality
Injury to the median nerve caused by its entrapment at the wrist as it traverses through the carpal tunnel. Clinically, constrictive median neuropathy is characterized by pain, paresthesia, and weakness in the median nerve distribution of the hand.
Intention tremor
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A type of kinetic tremor that occurs during target directed movement is called intention tremor. That is, an oscillatory cerebellar ataxia that tends to be absent when the limbs are inactive and during the first part of voluntary movement but worsening as the movement continues and greater precision is required (e.g., in touching a target such as the patient's nose or a physician's finger).
Leptomeningeal enhancement
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Anatomical Abnormality
Contrast material enhancement of the pia mater or enhancement that extends into the subarachnoid spaces of the sulci and cisterns is leptomeningeal enhancement. Leptomeningeal enhancement is usually associated with meningitis, which may be bacterial, viral, or fungal. The primary mechanism of this enhancement is breakdown of the blood-brain barrier without angiogenesis.
Muscle weakness
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Reduced strength of muscles.
Pulmonary edema
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Pathologic Function
Fluid accumulation in the lungs.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The presence of amyloid deposition in one or more tissues. Amyloidosis may be defined as the extracellular deposition of amyloid in one or more sites of the body.
Facial spasm
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movements (spasms), involving the eyes and muscles of the face.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
The upper eyelid margin is positioned 3 mm or more lower than usual and covers the superior portion of the iris (objective); or, the upper lid margin obscures at least part of the pupil (subjective).
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Diplopia is a condition in which a single object is perceived as two images, it is also known as double vision.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Rhythmic, involuntary oscillations of one or both eyes related to abnormality in fixation, conjugate gaze, or vestibular mechanisms.
High myopia
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
A severe form of myopia with greater than -6.00 diopters.
Horizontal nystagmus
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Nystagmus consisting of horizontal to-and-fro eye movements.
Vertical nystagmus
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Vertical nystagmus may present with either up-beating or down-beating eye movements or both. When present in the straight-ahead position of gaze it is referred to as upbeat nystagmus or downbeat nystagmus.
Visual impairment
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Visual impairment (or vision impairment) is vision loss (of a person) to such a degree as to qualify as an additional support need through a significant limitation of visual capability resulting from either disease, trauma, or congenital or degenerative conditions that cannot be corrected by conventional means, such as refractive correction, medication, or surgery.
Amyloid deposition in the vitreous humor
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Deposition of hyaline extracellular material (amyloid) into the vitreous humor, which can manifest as vitreous opacities and reduced visual acuity.

Professional guidelines


Ihne S, Morbach C, Sommer C, Geier A, Knop S, Störk S
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2020 Mar 6;117(10):159-166. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2020.0159. PMID: 32295695Free PMC Article
Siddiqi OK, Ruberg FL
Trends Cardiovasc Med 2018 Jan;28(1):10-21. Epub 2017 Jul 13 doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2017.07.004. PMID: 28739313Free PMC Article
Sher T, Gertz MA
Future Cardiol 2014 Jan;10(1):131-46. doi: 10.2217/fca.13.85. PMID: 24344669

Suggested Reading


Berk JL, Suhr OB, Obici L, Sekijima Y, Zeldenrust SR, Yamashita T, Heneghan MA, Gorevic PD, Litchy WJ, Wiesman JF, Nordh E, Corato M, Lozza A, Cortese A, Robinson-Papp J, Colton T, Rybin DV, Bisbee AB, Ando Y, Ikeda S, Seldin DC, Merlini G, Skinner M, Kelly JW, Dyck PJ; Diflunisal Trial Consortium
JAMA 2013 Dec 25;310(24):2658-67. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.283815. PMID: 24368466Free PMC Article

Recent clinical studies


Brito D, Albrecht FC, de Arenaza DP, Bart N, Better N, Carvajal-Juarez I, Conceição I, Damy T, Dorbala S, Fidalgo JC, Garcia-Pavia P, Ge J, Gillmore JD, Grzybowski J, Obici L, Piñero D, Rapezzi C, Ueda M, Pinto FJ
Glob Heart 2023;18(1):59. Epub 2023 Oct 26 doi: 10.5334/gh.1262. PMID: 37901600Free PMC Article
Picken MM
Acta Haematol 2020;143(4):322-334. Epub 2020 May 11 doi: 10.1159/000506696. PMID: 32392555
Benson MD, Waddington-Cruz M, Berk JL, Polydefkis M, Dyck PJ, Wang AK, Planté-Bordeneuve V, Barroso FA, Merlini G, Obici L, Scheinberg M, Brannagan TH 3rd, Litchy WJ, Whelan C, Drachman BM, Adams D, Heitner SB, Conceição I, Schmidt HH, Vita G, Campistol JM, Gamez J, Gorevic PD, Gane E, Shah AM, Solomon SD, Monia BP, Hughes SG, Kwoh TJ, McEvoy BW, Jung SW, Baker BF, Ackermann EJ, Gertz MA, Coelho T
N Engl J Med 2018 Jul 5;379(1):22-31. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716793. PMID: 29972757
Siddiqi OK, Ruberg FL
Trends Cardiovasc Med 2018 Jan;28(1):10-21. Epub 2017 Jul 13 doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2017.07.004. PMID: 28739313Free PMC Article
Grogan M, Scott CG, Kyle RA, Zeldenrust SR, Gertz MA, Lin G, Klarich KW, Miller WL, Maleszewski JJ, Dispenzieri A
J Am Coll Cardiol 2016 Sep 6;68(10):1014-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.06.033. PMID: 27585505


Brito D, Albrecht FC, de Arenaza DP, Bart N, Better N, Carvajal-Juarez I, Conceição I, Damy T, Dorbala S, Fidalgo JC, Garcia-Pavia P, Ge J, Gillmore JD, Grzybowski J, Obici L, Piñero D, Rapezzi C, Ueda M, Pinto FJ
Glob Heart 2023;18(1):59. Epub 2023 Oct 26 doi: 10.5334/gh.1262. PMID: 37901600Free PMC Article
Picken MM
Acta Haematol 2020;143(4):322-334. Epub 2020 May 11 doi: 10.1159/000506696. PMID: 32392555
Kaku M, Berk JL
Semin Neurol 2019 Oct;39(5):578-588. Epub 2019 Oct 22 doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1688994. PMID: 31639841
Siddiqi OK, Ruberg FL
Trends Cardiovasc Med 2018 Jan;28(1):10-21. Epub 2017 Jul 13 doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2017.07.004. PMID: 28739313Free PMC Article
Lachmann HJ
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2017 Aug;31(4):596-609. Epub 2018 Jan 11 doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2017.12.001. PMID: 29773275


Oldham J, Lachmann HJ
Clin Exp Dermatol 2020 Dec;45(8):967-973. Epub 2020 Sep 3 doi: 10.1111/ced.14251. PMID: 32882069
Benson MD, Waddington-Cruz M, Berk JL, Polydefkis M, Dyck PJ, Wang AK, Planté-Bordeneuve V, Barroso FA, Merlini G, Obici L, Scheinberg M, Brannagan TH 3rd, Litchy WJ, Whelan C, Drachman BM, Adams D, Heitner SB, Conceição I, Schmidt HH, Vita G, Campistol JM, Gamez J, Gorevic PD, Gane E, Shah AM, Solomon SD, Monia BP, Hughes SG, Kwoh TJ, McEvoy BW, Jung SW, Baker BF, Ackermann EJ, Gertz MA, Coelho T
N Engl J Med 2018 Jul 5;379(1):22-31. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716793. PMID: 29972757
Lachmann HJ
Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2017 Aug;31(4):596-609. Epub 2018 Jan 11 doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2017.12.001. PMID: 29773275
Coelho T, Maurer MS, Suhr OB
Curr Med Res Opin 2013 Jan;29(1):63-76. Epub 2012 Dec 13 doi: 10.1185/03007995.2012.754348. PMID: 23193944
Breathnach SM
J Am Acad Dermatol 1988 Jan;18(1 Pt 1):1-16. doi: 10.1016/s0190-9622(88)70001-8. PMID: 3279077


Brito D, Albrecht FC, de Arenaza DP, Bart N, Better N, Carvajal-Juarez I, Conceição I, Damy T, Dorbala S, Fidalgo JC, Garcia-Pavia P, Ge J, Gillmore JD, Grzybowski J, Obici L, Piñero D, Rapezzi C, Ueda M, Pinto FJ
Glob Heart 2023;18(1):59. Epub 2023 Oct 26 doi: 10.5334/gh.1262. PMID: 37901600Free PMC Article
Gutierrez MJ, Lapidus SK
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2022 Feb;48(1):371-395. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2021.07.011. PMID: 34798958Free PMC Article
Benson MD, Waddington-Cruz M, Berk JL, Polydefkis M, Dyck PJ, Wang AK, Planté-Bordeneuve V, Barroso FA, Merlini G, Obici L, Scheinberg M, Brannagan TH 3rd, Litchy WJ, Whelan C, Drachman BM, Adams D, Heitner SB, Conceição I, Schmidt HH, Vita G, Campistol JM, Gamez J, Gorevic PD, Gane E, Shah AM, Solomon SD, Monia BP, Hughes SG, Kwoh TJ, McEvoy BW, Jung SW, Baker BF, Ackermann EJ, Gertz MA, Coelho T
N Engl J Med 2018 Jul 5;379(1):22-31. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716793. PMID: 29972757
Siddiqi OK, Ruberg FL
Trends Cardiovasc Med 2018 Jan;28(1):10-21. Epub 2017 Jul 13 doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2017.07.004. PMID: 28739313Free PMC Article
Grogan M, Scott CG, Kyle RA, Zeldenrust SR, Gertz MA, Lin G, Klarich KW, Miller WL, Maleszewski JJ, Dispenzieri A
J Am Coll Cardiol 2016 Sep 6;68(10):1014-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.06.033. PMID: 27585505

Clinical prediction guides

Benson MD, Waddington-Cruz M, Berk JL, Polydefkis M, Dyck PJ, Wang AK, Planté-Bordeneuve V, Barroso FA, Merlini G, Obici L, Scheinberg M, Brannagan TH 3rd, Litchy WJ, Whelan C, Drachman BM, Adams D, Heitner SB, Conceição I, Schmidt HH, Vita G, Campistol JM, Gamez J, Gorevic PD, Gane E, Shah AM, Solomon SD, Monia BP, Hughes SG, Kwoh TJ, McEvoy BW, Jung SW, Baker BF, Ackermann EJ, Gertz MA, Coelho T
N Engl J Med 2018 Jul 5;379(1):22-31. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1716793. PMID: 29972757
Yazaki M, Yoshinaga T, Sekijima Y, Kametani F, Okumura N
Int J Mol Sci 2018 Jan 22;19(1) doi: 10.3390/ijms19010320. PMID: 29361747Free PMC Article
Siddiqi OK, Ruberg FL
Trends Cardiovasc Med 2018 Jan;28(1):10-21. Epub 2017 Jul 13 doi: 10.1016/j.tcm.2017.07.004. PMID: 28739313Free PMC Article
Grogan M, Scott CG, Kyle RA, Zeldenrust SR, Gertz MA, Lin G, Klarich KW, Miller WL, Maleszewski JJ, Dispenzieri A
J Am Coll Cardiol 2016 Sep 6;68(10):1014-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2016.06.033. PMID: 27585505
Coelho T, Maurer MS, Suhr OB
Curr Med Res Opin 2013 Jan;29(1):63-76. Epub 2012 Dec 13 doi: 10.1185/03007995.2012.754348. PMID: 23193944

Recent systematic reviews

Khan LA, Shaikh FH, Khan MS, Zafar B, Farooqi M, Bold B, Aslam HM, Essam N, Noor I, Siddique A, Shakil S, Keen MA
Curr Probl Cardiol 2024 Dec;49(12):102860. Epub 2024 Sep 19 doi: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2024.102860. PMID: 39306149
Wininger AE, Phelps BM, Le JT, Harris JD, Trachtenberg BH, Liberman SR
BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2021 Jan 8;22(1):51. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03912-z. PMID: 33419417Free PMC Article
Kim YJ, Ha S, Kim YI
J Nucl Cardiol 2020 Feb;27(1):123-132. Epub 2018 Jul 18 doi: 10.1007/s12350-018-1365-x. PMID: 30022405
Xin Y, Hu W, Chen X, Hu J, Sun Y, Zhao Y
Hellenic J Cardiol 2019 Nov-Dec;60(6):375-383. Epub 2019 Feb 8 doi: 10.1016/j.hjc.2019.01.015. PMID: 30742933
Kaltoft B, Schmidt G, Lauritzen AF, Gimsing P
Dan Med J 2013 Nov;60(11):A4727. PMID: 24192243

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