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Tangier disease

Tangier disease is characterized by severe deficiency or absence of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the circulation resulting in tissue accumulation of cholesteryl esters throughout the body, particularly in the reticuloendothelial system. The major clinical signs of Tangier disease include hyperplastic yellow-orange tonsils, hepatosplenomegaly, and peripheral neuropathy, which may be either relapsing-remitting or chronic progressive in nature. Rarer complications may include corneal opacities that typically do not affect vision, premature atherosclerotic coronary artery disease occurring in the sixth and seventh decades of life (not usually before age 40 years), and mild hematologic manifestations, such as mild thrombocytopenia, reticulocytosis, stomatocytosis, or hemolytic anemia. The clinical expression of Tangier disease is variable, with some affected individuals only showing biochemical perturbations. [from GeneReviews]

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome

Cicatricial ectropion

An outward turning (eversion) or rotation of the eyelid margin (i.e., ectropion) caused by shortening or contraction of the anterior or middle lamellae related to scarring. [from HPO]

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome

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