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SRX27197417: RNA Sequencing of Homo sapiens: Normal male skin fibroblasts derived from circumcision surgery.
1 DNBSEQ (DNBSEQ-T7) run: 21.3M spots, 6.4G bases, 3.2Gb downloads

Design: Normal human skin fibroblast cultures were established from punch biopsies obtained from healthy male donors undergoing circumcision surgery, followed by RNA-seq
Submitted by: Tsinghua University
Study: Decipher aging related skin microbiome and metabolites crosstalk from a chronologically matched cohort
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This study explores how the skin microbiome influences metabolic pathways associated with differences in skin aging among individuals of the same chronological age. By analyzing a cohort of 103 women aged 39-41, we identified key relationships between skin microbial diversity, metabolic functions, and aging phenotypes. Our findings suggest that beneficial bacteria may enhance skin health by promoting antioxidant defenses and regulating pigment metabolism, while harmful microbial shifts may increase susceptibility to skin aging. This study highlights the dynamic interaction between skin microbiota and the host, offering valuable insights into the development of microbiome-targeted anti-aging strategies.
SAMN45965159 • SRS23647784 • All experiments • All runs
Organism: Homo sapiens
Name: NIM241106N03-121
Instrument: DNBSEQ-T7
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 21.3M spots, 6.4G bases, 3.2Gb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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